Source code for honeybee_plus.radiance.command.rpict

# coding=utf-8
"""RADIANCE rcontrib command."""
from ._commandbase import RadianceCommand
from ..datatype import RadiancePath
from ..parameters.rpict import RpictParameters
from ..view import View

import os

[docs]class Rpict(RadianceCommand): """Rpict command.""" output_file = RadiancePath("img", "output image file", extension=".hdr") octree_file = RadiancePath("oct", "octree file", extension=".oct") view_file = RadiancePath('vf', 'view file') def __init__(self, output_name='untitled', octree_file=None, view=None, view_file=None, simulation_type=2, rpict_parameters=None): """Init command.""" RadianceCommand.__init__(self) self.output_file = output_name if output_name.lower().endswith(".hdr") \ else output_name + ".hdr" self.octree_file = octree_file self.rpict_parameters = rpict_parameters self.view = view self.view_file = view_file self.simulation_type = simulation_type @property def simulation_type(self): """Get/set simulation Type. 0: Illuminance(lux), 1: Radiation (kWh), 2: Luminance (Candela) (Default: 0) """ return self._simType @simulation_type.setter def simulation_type(self, value): try: value = int(value) except Exception: value = 2 assert 0 <= value <= 2, \ "Simulation type should be between 0-2. Current value: {}".format(value) self._simType = value # trun on/off I paramter # -I > Boolean switch to compute irradiance rather than radiance, with # the input origin and direction interpreted instead as measurement point # and orientation. if self._simType in (0, 1): self.rpict_parameters.irradiance_calc = True else: # luminance self.rpict_parameters.irradiance_calc = False @property def rpict_parameters(self): """Get and set image parameters for rendering.""" return self._rpict_parameters @rpict_parameters.setter def rpict_parameters(self, parameters): self._rpict_parameters = parameters if parameters is not None \ else RpictParameters() assert hasattr(self.rpict_parameters, "isImageBasedRadianceParameters"), \ "input rcontribParamters is not a valid parameters type." @property def view(self): """Get and set view for rpict.""" return self._view @view.setter def view(self, v): if v is not None: assert isinstance(v, View),\ 'The input for view should an instance of the class View.' self._view = v else: self._view = None
[docs] def to_rad_string(self, relative_path=False): """Return full command as string.""" cmd = self.normspace(os.path.join(self.radbin_path, "rpict")) param = self.rpict_parameters.to_rad_string() view = self.view.to_rad_string() if self.view else '' view_file = '-vf %s' % self.view_file if self.view_file._value else '' output = "> %s" % ( self.output_file if self.output_file._value else 'untitled.hdr') rad_string = "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % ( cmd, param, view, view_file, self.octree_file.to_rad_string(), output) return rad_string
@property def input_files(self): """List of input files that should be checked before running the analysis.""" if not self.view: return self.octree_file, self.view_file else: return self.octree_file,
[docs] def execute(self): """Execute the command.""" self.check_input_files(self.to_rad_string()) RadianceCommand.execute(self)