Source code for

"""Recipe ids.

This file is reference for recipe ids. Every id must be unique to that recipe.

The first two digits identifies if the recipe is for point_in_time [10] or multiple
hours [20]. The follwing next digits identifies if recipe is grid-based [0] or
view-based [1]. The following 3 digits is a counter starting from 000.

from __future__ import division

IDS = {
    'daylight_factor': 100000,
    'point_in_time': 100001,
    'cumulative_radiation': 100002,
    'vertical_sky_component': 100003,
    'solar_access': 200000,
    'direct_sun': 200001,
    'two_phase': 200002,
    'three_phase': 200003,
    'annual_radiation': 200004,
    'five_phase': 200005,
    'direct_reflection': 200006,

NAMES = {value: key for key, value in IDS.items()}

"""Combined recipes are recipes that combine direct sunlight and sky calculations.

These ids are used by honeybee_plus.radiance.resultcollection.database.Database class to
add extra tables for results.
COMBINEDRECIPEIDS = (200002, 200005)

"""Recipes with values for direct sunlight."""
DIRECTRECIPEIDS = (200001, 200002, 200005)

"""Recipes which the result should be saved as float and not integer."""
FLOATRECIPEIDS = (100000, 100003)

[docs]def get_id(name, recipe_type=0): """Get Honeybee ID from recipe name. Args: name: Recipe name (e.g. daylight_factor). recipe_type: 0 for grid-based and 1 for view-based recipes. Returns: A 6 digits number. The first two digits identifies if the recipe is for point_in_time [10] or multiple hours [20]. The follwing next digits identifies if recipe is grid-based [0] or view-based [1]. The following 3 digits is a counter starting from 000. """ recipe_type = recipe_type or 0 assert recipe_type in (0, 1), 'Recipe type can only be 0 or 1.' try: return IDS[name] + recipe_type * 1000 except KeyError: raise KeyError('{} is not a valid input. Try one of the recipes below:\n{}' .format(name, '\n'.join(IDS.keys())))
[docs]def get_name(recipe_id): """Get recipe name from ID.""" try: return NAMES[recipe_id] except KeyError: raise KeyError( '{} is not a valid ID.\n{}'.format( recipe_id, '\n'.join('{}:{}'.format(k, v) for k, v in IDS.items()) ))
[docs]def is_point_in_time(recipe_id): """Check if a recipe id is point in time.""" return int(recipe_id / 100000) == 1
if __name__ == '__main__': print(is_point_in_time(200006)) print(is_point_in_time(100002))