Source code for honeybee_plus.schedule

# coding=utf-8
Honeybee schedule.

Use this class to create schecules.
from ladybug.analysisperiod import AnalysisPeriod
import sys
if (sys.version_info >= (3, 0)):
    xrange = range
    from itertools import izip as zip

[docs]class Schedule(object): """Schedule. Attributes: values: Schedule values. hoys: List of hours of the year for this values. """ __slots__ = ('_values', '_hoys', '_occupied_hours') def __init__(self, values, hoys=None): """Init Schedule.""" hoys = hoys or xrange(8760) self._values = tuple(values) # put the hours in a set for quick look up self._hoys = tuple(hoys) self._occupied_hours = set( h for h, v in zip(self._hoys, self._values) if v != 0) # check for length of data assert len(self._values) == len(self._hoys), \ 'Length of values [{}] must be equal to the length of the hours [{}].' \ .format(len(self._values), len(self._hoys))
[docs] @classmethod def from_workday_hours(cls, occ_hours=None, off_hours=None, weekend=None, default_value=None): """Create a schedule from Ladybug's AnalysisPeriod. Args: occ_hours: Start and end hour of work day as a tuple. Default is (8, 17). off_hours: A list of hours that building is unoccupied during the occupancy period everyday (e.g. lunch break). Default is an hour lunch break at (12, 13). Use -1 for no break during the day. weekend: A list of numbers to indicate the weekend days. [0] None, [1-7] MON to SUN. Default is 6, 7 (SAT, SUN). default_value: Default value for occupancy hours (Default: 1). """ daily_hours = [0] * 24 occ_hours = occ_hours or (8, 17) off_hours = off_hours or (12, 13) weekend = [0] if weekend == [0] else set(weekend) if weekend else set((6, 7)) default_value = default_value or 1 # create daily schedules for h in xrange(*occ_hours): daily_hours[h] = default_value if off_hours != -1 and off_hours != [-1]: for h in xrange(*off_hours): daily_hours[h] = 0 # create annual schedule values = [daily_hours[h % 24] for h in xrange(8760)] # set the values to 0 for weekendHours # assuming the year starts on a Monday if weekend != [0]: for d in xrange(365): if (d + 1) % 8 in weekend: # set the hours for that day to 0 for h in range(d * 24, (d + 1) * 24): values[h] = 0 hours = xrange(8760) return cls(values, hours)
[docs] @classmethod def from_analysis_period(cls, occ_period=None, off_hours=None, weekend=None, default_value=None): """Create a schedule from Ladybug's AnalysisPeriod. Args: occ_period: An analysis period for occupancy. Default is (8, 17). off_hours: A list of hours that building is unoccupied during the occupancy period everyday (e.g. lunch break). Default is an hour lunch break at (12, 13). Use -1 for no break during the day. weekend: A list of numbers to indicate the weekend days. [0] None, [1-7] MON to SUN. Default is 6, 7 (SAT, SUN). default_value: Default value for occupancy hours (Default: 1). """ occ_period = occ_period or AnalysisPeriod(stHour=8, endHour=17) off_hours = set(off_hours) if off_hours else set((12, 13)) weekend = [0] if weekend == [0] else set(weekend) if weekend else set((6, 7)) default_value = default_value or 1 try: hours = tuple(h for h in occ_period.hoys) except AttributeError: raise TypeError( 'occ_period should be an AnalysisPeriod not {}'.format(type(occ_period)) ) else: # remove weekends if weekend != [0]: hours = tuple(h for h in hours if ((h % 24) + 1) % 8 not in weekend) # remove off hours if off_hours != -1 and off_hours != [-1]: hours = tuple(h for h in hours if h % 24 not in off_hours) values = tuple(1 for h in hours) return cls(values, hours)
[docs] @classmethod def eight_am_to_six_pm(cls): """An 8am to 6pm schedule for IES-LM-83-12 requirements. This schedule includes 10 hours per day from 8am to 6pm. """ return cls.from_workday_hours((8, 18), [-1], [-1])
@property def values(self): """Tuple of values in this schedule.""" return self._values @property def hours(self): """Tuple of values in this schedule.""" return self._hoys @property def occupied_hours(self): """Occupied hours of the year as a set.""" return self._occupied_hours
[docs] def write(self, file_path): """Write the schedule to a csv file.""" raise NotImplementedError('Write method is not implemented yet!')
def __len__(self): return len(self._values) def __contains__(self, hour): return hour in self._occupied_hours
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString.""" return self.__repr__()
def __repr__(self): """Schedule representation.""" return "Schedule[#%d]" % sum(1 if h else 0 for h in self.values)
if __name__ == '__main__': s = Schedule.from_workday_hours() print(s)