
ladybug-comfort map

Commands for creating spatial thermal maps.

ladybug-comfort map [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Get CSV files with maps of Adaptive comfort from EnergyPlus and Radiance results.

result_sql: Path to an SQLite file that was generated by EnergyPlus.
This file must contain hourly or sub-hourly results for zone comfort
enclosure_info: Path to a JSON file containing information about the radiant
enclosure that sensor points belong to.
epw_file: Path to an .epw file, used to estimate conditions for any outdoor
sensors and to provide prevailing outdoor temperature for the adaptive
comfort model.
ladybug-comfort map adaptive [OPTIONS] RESULT_SQL ENCLOSURE_INFO EPW_FILE


-tr, --total-irradiance <total_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing total irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, no shortwave solar will be assumed for the study.

-dr, --direct-irradiance <direct_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing direct irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, all shortwave will be assumed to be indirect.

-rr, --ref-irradiance <ref_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing total ground-reflected irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, a default ground reflectance of 0.25 will be assumed for the study.

-sh, --sun-up-hours <sun_up_hours>

Path to a sun-up-hours.txt file output by Radiance. Required if any irradiance options are provided.

-v, --air-speed <air_speed>

A single number for air speed in m/s or a string of a JSON array with numbers that align with the result-sql reporting period. If unspecified, 0.1 m/s will be used.

-rp, --run-period <run_period>

An AnalysisPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the analysis (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 8 and 16 @1”). If unspecified, results will be generated for the entire run period of the result-sql.

-sp, --solarcal-par <solarcal_par>

A SolarCalParameter string to customize the assumptions of the SolarCal model.

-cp, --comfort-par <comfort_par>

An AdaptiveParameter string to customize the assumptions of the Adaptive comfort model.

-f, --folder <folder>

Folder into which the result CSV files will be written. If None, files will be written to a “thermal_map” sub-folder insame directory as the result-sql.

-log, --log-file <log_file>

Optional log file to output the paths to the generated CSV files. By default this will be printed out to stdout





Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Get CSV files with maps of air temperatures or humidity from EnergyPlus results.

result_sql: Path to an SQLite file that was generated by EnergyPlus.
This file must contain hourly or sub-hourly results for zone comfort
enclosure_info: Path to a JSON file containing information about the radiant
enclosure that sensor points belong to.
epw_file: Path to an .epw file, used to estimate conditions for any outdoor
sensors and to provide sun positions.


-rp, --run-period <run_period>

An AnalysisPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the analysis (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 8 and 16 @1”). If unspecified, results will be generated for the entire run period of the result-sql.

--air-temperature, -rh, --relative-humidity

Flag to note whether the the output matrix should be with relative humidity values instead of air temperature values.



-f, --output-file <output_file>

Optional file to output the CSV matrix of values. By default this will be printed out to stdout





Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Get CSV files with irradiance contributions from dynamic windows.

result_sql: Path to an SQLite file that was generated by EnergyPlus.
This file must contain results for window transmittance.
direct_specular: Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing direct
irradiance for the specular version of the aperture group.
indirect_specular: Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing
the indirect irradiance for the specular version of the aperture group.
ref_specular: Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing ground-reflected
irradiance for the specular version of the aperture group.
indirect_diffuse: Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing
the indirect irradiance for the diffuse version of the aperture group.
ref_diffuse: Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing ground-reflected
irradiance for the diffuse version of the aperture group.
sun_up_hours: Path to a sun-up-hours.txt file output by an annual
irradiance simulation.
ladybug-comfort map irradiance-contrib [OPTIONS] RESULT_SQL DIRECT_SPECULAR
                                       INDIRECT_SPECULAR REF_SPECULAR
                                       INDIRECT_DIFFUSE REF_DIFFUSE


-id, --aperture-id <aperture_id>

Text string for the identifier of the aperture associated with the irradiance. If unspecified, it will the first aperture found in the result-sql, essentially assuming there is only one dynamic group in the file.

-f, --folder <folder>

Folder into which the result CSV files will be written. If None, files will be written to a “contrib” sub-folder insame directory as the result-sql.

-log, --log-file <log_file>

Optional log file to output the paths to the generated CSV files. By default this will be printed out to stdout





Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Get CSV files with maps of longwave MRT from Radiance and EnergyPlus results.

result_sql: Path to an SQLite file that was generated by EnergyPlus.
This file must contain hourly or sub-hourly results for zone comfort
view_factors: CSV of spherical view factors to the surfaces in the result-sql.
modifiers: Path to modifiers file that aligns with the view-factors.
enclosure_info: Path to a JSON file containing information about the radiant
enclosure that sensor points belong to.
epw_file: Path to an .epw file, used to estimate conditions for any outdoor
sensors and to provide sun positions.
ladybug-comfort map longwave-mrt [OPTIONS] RESULT_SQL VIEW_FACTORS MODIFIERS
                                 ENCLOSURE_INFO EPW_FILE


-rp, --run-period <run_period>

An AnalysisPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the analysis (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 8 and 16 @1”). If unspecified, results will be annual.

-f, --output-file <output_file>

Optional file to output the CSV matrix of longwave MRT. By default this will be printed out to stdout





Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Get a JSON that specifies the data type and units for comfort map outputs.

This JSON is needed by interfaces to correctly parse comfort map results.

comfort_model: Text for the comfort model of the thermal mapping simulation.
Choose from: pmv, adaptive, utci.
ladybug-comfort map map-result-info [OPTIONS] COMFORT_MODEL


-rp, --run-period <run_period>

The AnalysisPeriod string that dictates the start and end of the analysis (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 8 and 16 @1”). If unspecified, it will be assumed results are for a full year.

-q, --qualifier <qualifier>

Text for any options used on the comfort map simulation that change the output data type of results. For example, the write-set-map text of the pmv map can be passed here to ensure the output of this command is for SET instead of operative temperature.

-f, --folder <folder>

Result folder into which JSON info files will be written. If None, the info will only be output to the output-file and not written into result sub folders.

-log, --log-file <log_file>

Optional file to output the JSON string of the result info. By default, it will be printed to stdout





Required argument


Get CSV files with maps of PMV comfort from EnergyPlus and Radiance results.

result_sql: Path to an SQLite file that was generated by EnergyPlus.
This file must contain hourly or sub-hourly results for zone comfort
enclosure_info: Path to a JSON file containing information about the radiant
enclosure that sensor points belong to.
epw_file: Path to an .epw file, used to estimate conditions for any outdoor
sensors and to provide sun positions.


-tr, --total-irradiance <total_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing total irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, no shortwave solar will be assumed for the study.

-dr, --direct-irradiance <direct_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing direct irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, all shortwave will be assumed to be indirect.

-rr, --ref-irradiance <ref_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing total ground-reflected irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, a default ground reflectance of 0.25 will be assumed for the study.

-sh, --sun-up-hours <sun_up_hours>

Path to a sun-up-hours.txt file output by Radiance. Required if any irradiance options are provided.

-v, --air-speed <air_speed>

A single number for air speed in m/s or a string of a JSON array with numbers that align with the result-sql reporting period. If unspecified, 0.1 m/s will be used.

-m, --met-rate <met_rate>

A single number for metabolic rate in met or a string of a JSON array with numbers that align with the result-sql reporting period. If unspecified, 1.1 met will be used.

-c, --clo-value <clo_value>

A single number for clothing level in clo or a string of a JSON array with numbers that align with the result-sql reporting period. If unspecified, 0.7 clo will be used.

-rp, --run-period <run_period>

An AnalysisPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the analysis (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 8 and 16 @1”). If unspecified, results will be generated for the entire run period of the result-sql.

--write-op-map, -set, --write-set-map

Flag to note whether the output temperature CSV should record Operative Temperature or Standard Effective Temperature (SET). SET is relatively intense to compute and so only recording Operative Temperature can greatly reduce run time, particularly when air speeds are low. However, SET accounts for all 6 PMV model inputs and so is a more representative “feels-like” temperature for the PMV model.

-sp, --solarcal-par <solarcal_par>

A SolarCalParameter string to customize the assumptions of the SolarCal model.

-cp, --comfort-par <comfort_par>

A PMVParameter string to customize the assumptions of the PMV model.

-f, --folder <folder>

Folder into which the result CSV files will be written. If None, files will be written to a “thermal_map” sub-folder insame directory as the result-sql.

-log, --log-file <log_file>

Optional log file to output the paths to the generated CSV files. By default this will be printed out to stdout





Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Get CSV files with maps of shortwave MRT Deltas from Radiance results.

epw_file: Path to an .epw file, used to estimate conditions for any outdoor
sensors and to provide sun positions.
indirect_irradiance: Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing
the indirect irradiance for each sensor. Alternatively, if the
–indirect-is-total input is used, then this input should be the total
irradiance for each sensor.
direct_irradiance: Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing direct
irradiance for each sensor.
ref_irradiance: Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing
ground-reflected irradiance for each sensor.
sun_up_hours: Path to a sun-up-hours.txt file output by an annual
irradiance simulation.
ladybug-comfort map shortwave-mrt [OPTIONS] EPW_FILE INDIRECT_IRRADIANCE
                                  DIRECT_IRRADIANCE REF_IRRADIANCE


-c, --contributions <contributions>

An optional folder containing sub-folders of irradiance contributions from dynamic aperture groups. There should be one sub-folder per window groups and each one should contain three .ill files named direct.ill, indirect.ill and reflected.ill. If specified, these will be added to the irradiance inputs before computing shortwave MRT deltas.

-tc, --transmittance-contribs <transmittance_contribs>

An optional folder containing a transmittance schedule JSON and sub-folders of irradiance results that exclude the shade from the calculation. There should be one sub-folder per window groups and each one should contain three .ill files named direct.ill, indirect.ill and reflected.ill. If specified, these will be added to the irradiance inputs before computing shortwave MRT deltas.

-ts, --trans-schedule-json <trans_schedule_json>

An optional path to a transmittance schedule JSON output by the honeybee-energy model-transmittance-schedules command, which is coordinated with the –transmittance-contribs. If unspecified, it will be assumed that this JSON already exists in the root of the –transmittance-contribs with a name schedules.json.

-rp, --run-period <run_period>

An AnalysisPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the analysis (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 8 and 16 @1”). If unspecified, results will be annual.

-sp, --solarcal-par <solarcal_par>

A SolarCalParameter string to customize the assumptions of the SolarCal model.

--is-indirect, -t, --indirect-is-total

Flag to note whether the indirect-irradiance argument is actually the total irradiance, in which case the direct irradiance should be subtracted from it to get indirect irradiance.



-f, --output-file <output_file>

Optional file to output the CSV matrix of MRT deltas. By default this will be printed out to stdout





Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Required argument


Compute Thermal Comfort Percent (TCP) from thermal mapping results.

condition_csv: Path to a CSV file of thermal conditions output by a
thermal mapping command.
enclosure_info: Path to a JSON file containing information about the radiant
enclosure that sensor points belong to.


-s, --schedule <schedule>

An optional path to a CSV file to specify the relevant times during which comfort should be evaluated. If specified, this will override the –occ-schedule-json for both indoor and outdoor conditions. If both this option and the –occ-schedule-json are unspecified, it will be assumed that all times are relevant.

-occ, --occ-schedule-json <occ_schedule_json>

Path to an occupancy schedule JSON output by the honeybee-energy model-occ-schedules command. This JSON derives the relevant times based on the occupancy schedules of the energy model and assumes that all outdoor times are relevant. If both this option and the –schedule are unspecified, all times of the study will be considered occupied.

-f, --folder <folder>

Result folder into which the result CSV files will be written. If None, they will be output into the same folder as the condition-csv.

-log, --log-file <log_file>

Optional log file to output the paths to the CSV files. By default, it will be printed to stdout





Required argument


Required argument


Get CSV files with maps of UTCI comfort from EnergyPlus and Radiance results.

result_sql: Path to an SQLite file that was generated by EnergyPlus.
This file must contain hourly or sub-hourly results for zone comfort
enclosure_info: Path to a JSON file containing information about the radiant
enclosure that sensor points belong to.
epw_file: Path to an .epw file, used to estimate conditions for any outdoor
sensors and to provide sun positions.


-tr, --total-irradiance <total_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing total irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, no shortwave solar will be assumed for the study.

-dr, --direct-irradiance <direct_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing direct irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, all shortwave will be assumed to be indirect.

-rr, --ref-irradiance <ref_irradiance>

Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing total ground-reflected irradiance for each sensor in the enclosure-info. If unspecified, a default ground reflectance of 0.25 will be assumed for the study.

-sh, --sun-up-hours <sun_up_hours>

Path to a sun-up-hours.txt file output by Radiance. Required if any irradiance options are provided.

-v, --wind-speed <wind_speed>

A single number for meteorological wind speed in m/s or a string of a JSON array with numbers that align with the result-sql reporting period. This will be used for all indoor comfort evaluation while the EPW wind speed will be used for the outdoors. If unspecified, 0.5 m/s will be used.

-rp, --run-period <run_period>

An AnalysisPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the analysis (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 8 and 16 @1”). If unspecified, results will be generated for the entire run period of the result-sql.

-sp, --solarcal-par <solarcal_par>

A SolarCalParameter string to customize the assumptions of the SolarCal model.

-cp, --comfort-par <comfort_par>

An UTCIParameter string to customize the assumptions of the Adaptrive comfort model.

-f, --folder <folder>

Folder into which the result CSV files will be written. If None, files will be written to a “thermal_map” sub-folder insame directory as the result-sql.

-log, --log-file <log_file>

Optional log file to output the paths to the generated CSV files. By default this will be printed out to stdout





Required argument


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Required argument