
Methods for resolving MRT from Radiance and EnergyPlus output files., modifiers, sql, view_factors, epw, analysis_period=None)[source]

Get MRT data collections adjusted for shortwave using Radiance .ill files.

  • enclosure_info – Path to a JSON file containing information about the radiant enclosure that sensor points belong to.

  • modifiers – Path to modifiers file that aligns with the view-factors.

  • sql – Path to an SQLite file that was generated by EnergyPlus. This file must contain hourly or sub-hourly results for zone comfort variables.

  • view_factors – CSV of spherical view factors to the surfaces in the sql.

  • epw – An EPW object that will be used to specify data for any sensor outside of any enclosure.

  • analysis_period – An optional AnalysisPeriod to be applied to all results. If None, all data collections will be for the entire run period of the sql., longwave_data, sun_up_hours, indirect_ill, direct_ill=None, ref_ill=None, contributions=None, transmittance_contribs=None, solarcal_par=None, indirect_is_total=False)[source]

Get MRT data collections adjusted for shortwave using Radiance .ill files.

  • location – A ladybug Location object to dictate the solar positions used in the calculation.

  • longwave_data – An array of data collections for each point within a thermal map. All collections must be aligned with one another. The analysis period on the collections does not have to be annual.

  • sun_up_hours – File path to a sun-up-hours.txt file output by Radiance.

  • indirect_ill – Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing indirect irradiance for each longwave_data collection. Alternatively, if indirect_is_total is set to True, this can be an .ill file with the total irradiance, which will have the direct_ill subtracted from it to yield the indirect illuminance.

  • direct_ill – Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing direct irradiance for each longwave_data collection. If None, all shortwave will be assumed to be indirect. (Default: None).

  • ref_ill – Path to an .ill file output by Radiance containing total ground- reflected irradiance for each longwave_data collection. If None, a default ground reflectance of 0.25 will be assumed. (Default: None).

  • contributions – An optional folder containing sub-folders of irradiance contributions from dynamic aperture groups. There should be one sub-folder per window groups and each one should contain three .ill files named direct.ill, indirect.ill and reflected.ill. If specified, these will be added to the irradiance inputs before computing shortwave MRT deltas. (Default: None).

  • transmittance_contribs – An optional folder containing a transmittance schedule JSON and sub-folders of irradiance results that exclude the shade from the calculation. There should be one sub-folder per window groups and each one should contain three .ill files named direct.ill, indirect.ill and reflected.ill. If specified, these will be added to the irradiance inputs before computing shortwave MRT deltas.

  • solarcal_par – Optional SolarCalParameter object to account for properties of the human geometry. (Default: None).

  • indirect_is_total – A boolean to note whether the indirect_ill is actually the total irradiance, in which case the direct irradiance should be subtracted from it to get indirect irradiance. (Default: False).