ladybug_comfort.di module

Utility function for calculating Discomfort Index (DI).

ladybug_comfort.di.discomfort_index(ta, rh)[source]

Calculate discomfort index (DI) from air temperature and relative humidity.

Discomfort Index is derived from original work carried out by Eral C. Thom [1] which defined discomfort index based on dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature. It is the human-perceived increase in air temperature due to humidity increase.


[1] Thom, E.C. (1959) “The Discomfort Index”. Weatherwise, 12, 57-61.

  • ta – Air temperature [C]

  • rh – Relative humidity [%]


di – Discomfort index [C]


Get the category of effect associated with a given discomfort index (DI).

Each number (from -6 to 3) represents a certain DI thermal sensation category. With categories being the following:

  • -6 = Hyper-glacial

  • -5 = Glacial

  • -4 = Extremely cold

  • -3 = Very cold

  • -2 = Cold

  • -1 = Cool

  • 0 = Comfortable

  • 1 = Hot

  • 2 = Very hot

  • 3 = Torrid


di – Discomfort Index [C]


category – An integer indicating the level of effect associated with the discomfort index. Values are one of the following:

  • -6 = Hyper-glacial

  • -5 = Glacial

  • -4 = Extremely cold

  • -3 = Very cold

  • -2 = Cold

  • -1 = Cool

  • 0 = Comfortable

  • 1 = Hot

  • 2 = Very hot

  • 3 = Torrid