Utility functions for calculating the Apparent Temperature (AT).
-, rh, ws)[source]¶
- Calculate apparent temperature (AT) from air temperature, relative humidity,
and wind speed.
The Australian Apparent Temperature (AT) is a type of heat index that was used by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (ABM). It is based on a mathematical model published by Robert G. Steadman in 1994 [1]. Two forms of the model are available, one including radiation and one without. This algorithm uses the non-radiation version. [2]
[1] Steadman, R. G. (1994). Norms of apparent temperature in Australia. Aust. Met. Mag, 43, 1-16. [2] Thermal Comfort observations. (n.d.). Retrieved May 20, 2016, from
- Parameters
ta – Air temperature [C]
rh – Relative humidity [%]
ws – Wind speed (km /h)
- Returns
at – Apparent Temperature[C]
Get the category of apparent suggestion associated with a given apparent temperature (AT).
Categories to indicate apparent suggestion:
4 = (>40 C) Minimal clothing; sun protection required.
3 = (35-40 C) Minimal clothing; sun protection as needed.
2 = (30-35 C) Short sleeve, shirt and shorts.
1 = (25-30 C) Light undershirt.
0 = (20-25 C) Cotton-type slacks (pants).
-1 = (15-20 C) Normal office wear.
-2 = (10-15 C) Thin or sleeveless sweater.
-3 = (5-10 C) Sweater. Thicker underwear.
-4 = (0-5 C) Coat and sweater.
-5 = (-5-0 C) Overcoat. Wind protection as needed.
-6 = (<-5 C) Overcoat. Head insulation. Heavier footwear.
- Parameters
at – Apparent temperature [C]
- Returns
category – An integer indicating the level of warning associated with the heat index. Values are one of the following:
4 = Minimal clothing.
3 = Minimal clothing.
2 = Short sleeve, shirt and shorts.
1 = Light undershirt.
0 = Cotton-type slacks (pants).
-1 = Normal office wear.
-2 = Thin or sleeveless sweater.
-3 = Sweater. Thicker underwear.
-4 = Coat and sweater.
-5 = Overcoat.
-6 = Overcoat.