Source code for ladybug_comfort.asv

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"""Utility functions for calculating Actual Sensation Vote (ASV)"""

[docs]def actual_sensation_vote(ta, ws, rh, sr): """Calculate Actual Sensation Vote (ASV) from air temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and solar radiation. Actual Sensation Vote is an index which estimates human thermal sensation based on the empirical data gathered from field and human surveys, interviews and questionnaires. Actual Sensation Vote is derived from original work carried out by Givoni and Noguchi [1]. Note: [1] Zambrano, Letícia & Malafaia, Cristina & Bastos, Leopoldo. (2006). Thermal comfort evaluation in outdoor space of tropical humid climate. Args: ta: Air temperature [C] ws: Wind speed [m/s] rh: Relative humidity [%] sr: Solar radiation [Wh/m2] Returns: asv -- Actual sensation vote [unitless] """ asv = 0.049 * ta + 0.001 * sr - 0.051 * ws + 0.014 * rh - 2.079 return asv
[docs]def actual_sensation_vote_effect_category(asv): """Get the category of effect associated with a given actual sensation vote (ASV). Each number (from -2 to 2) represents a certain ASV thermal sensation category. With categories being the following: * -2 = Very cold * -1 = Cold * 0 = Comfort * 1 = Hot * 2 = Very Hot Args: asv -- Actual Sensation Vote [unitless] Returns: category -- An integer indicating the level of effect associated with the thermal sensation. Values are one of the following: - -2 = Very cold - -1 = Cold - 0 = Comfort - 1 = Hot - 2 = Very Hot """ if asv > 2: category = 2 elif asv > 1: category = 1 elif asv >= -1: category = 0 elif asv >= -2: category = -1 else: category = -2 return category