honeybee-energy settings¶
Commands for simulating Honeybee JSON files in EnergyPlus.
honeybee-energy settings [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Get a SimulationParameter JSON with outputs for thermal comfort mapping.
honeybee-energy settings comfort-sim-par [OPTIONS] DDY_FILE
- -rp, --run-period <run_period>¶
An AnalysisPeriod or RunPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the simulation (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 0 and 23 @1”). If unspecified, the simulation will be for the whole year.
- -n, --north <north>¶
Number from -360 to 360 for the counterclockwise difference between North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is west; 270 is east
- Default
- --filter-des-days, -all, --all-des-days¶
Flag to note whether the design days in the ddy-file should be filtered to only include 99.6 and 0.4 design days.
- Default
- -f, --output-file <output_file>¶
Optional file to output the JSON string of the simulation parameters. By default, it will be printed to stdout.
- Default
Required argument
Get a SimulationParameter JSON with an option for custom outputs.
honeybee-energy settings custom-sim-par [OPTIONS] DDY_FILE [OUTPUT_NAMES]...
- -rf, --reporting-frequency <reporting_frequency>¶
Text for the frequency at which the outputs are reported. (Default: Hourly). Choose from the following: Annual, Monthly, Daily, Hourly Timestep
- -rp, --run-period <run_period>¶
An AnalysisPeriod or RunPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the simulation (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 0 and 23 @1”). If unspecified, the simulation will be for the whole year.
- -n, --north <north>¶
Number from -360 to 360 for the counterclockwise difference between North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is west; 270 is east
- Default
- --filter-des-days, -all, --all-des-days¶
Flag to note whether the design days in the ddy-file should be filtered to only include 99.6 and 0.4 design days.
- Default
- -f, --output-file <output_file>¶
Optional file to output the JSON string of the simulation parameters. By default, it will be printed to stdout.
- Default
Required argument
Optional argument(s)
Get a SimulationParameter JSON with default outputs for energy use only.
honeybee-energy settings default-sim-par [OPTIONS] DDY_FILE
- -rf, --reporting-frequency <reporting_frequency>¶
Text for the frequency at which the outputs are reported. (Default: Hourly). Choose from the following: Annual, Monthly, Daily, Hourly, Timestep
- -rp, --run-period <run_period>¶
An AnalysisPeriod or RunPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the simulation (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 0 and 23 @1”). If unspecified, the simulation will be for the whole year.
- -n, --north <north>¶
Number from -360 to 360 for the counterclockwise difference between North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is west; 270 is east
- Default
- --filter-des-days, -all, --all-des-days¶
Flag to note whether the design days in the ddy-file should be filtered to only include 99.6 and 0.4 design days.
- Default
- -es, --efficiency-standard <efficiency_standard>¶
Text to set the efficiency standard, which will automatically set the efficiencies of all HVAC equipment when provided. Note that providing a standard here will cause the OpenStudio translation process to perform an additional sizing calculation with EnergyPlus, which is needed since the default efficiencies of equipment vary depending on their size. THIS WILL SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE TRANSLATION TIME. However, it is often worthwhile when the goal is to match the HVAC specification with a particular standard.Choose from the following: DOE_Ref_Pre_1980, DOE_Ref_1980_2004, ASHRAE_2004, ASHRAE_2007, ASHRAE_2010, ASHRAE_2013, ASHRAE_2016, ASHRAE_2019
- -cz, --climate-zone <climate_zone>¶
Text indicating the ASHRAE climate zone to be used with the efficiency_standard. When unspecified, the climate zone will be inferred from the design days. This input can be a single integer (in which case it is interpreted as A) or it can include the A, B, or C qualifier (eg. 3C).
- -bt, --building-type <building_type>¶
Text for the building type to be used in the efficiency_standard. If the type is not recognized or is None, it will be assumed that the building is a generic NonResidential.
- -f, --output-file <output_file>¶
Optional file to output the JSON string of the simulation parameters. By default, it will be printed to stdout.
- Default
Required argument
Get an IDF string that requests transmittance outputs for dynamic windows.
This should be used within comfort mapping workflows to request transmittance outputs for dynamic windows. Note that the output is just an IDF text string that should be incorporated in the energy simulation by means of additional strings or additional IDF.
honeybee-energy settings dynamic-window-outputs [OPTIONS] MODEL_FILE
- -i, --base-idf <base_idf>¶
An optional base IDF file to which the outputs for dynamic windows will be appended.
- -f, --output-file <output_file>¶
Optional IDF file to output the list of outputs to add to the EnergyPlus simulation. By default this will be printed out to stdout
- Default
Required argument
Get a SimulationParameter JSON with outputs for thermal load balances.
honeybee-energy settings load-balance-sim-par [OPTIONS] DDY_FILE
- -lt, --load-type <load_type>¶
A text value to set the type of load outputs requested. Choose from the following: All - all energy use including heat lost from the zone Total - the total load added to the zone (both sensible and latent) Sensible - the sensible load added to the zone Latent - the latent load added to the zone.
- Default
- -rf, --reporting-frequency <reporting_frequency>¶
Text for the frequency at which the outputs are reported. (Default: Hourly). Choose from the following: Annual, Monthly, Daily, Hourly Timestep
- -rp, --run-period <run_period>¶
An AnalysisPeriod or RunPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the simulation (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 0 and 23 @1”). If unspecified, the simulation will be for the whole year.
- -n, --north <north>¶
Number from -360 to 360 for the counterclockwise difference between North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is west; 270 is east
- Default
- --filter-des-days, -all, --all-des-days¶
Flag to note whether the design days in the ddy-file should be filtered to only include 99.6 and 0.4 design days.
- Default
- -f, --output-file <output_file>¶
Optional file to output the JSON string of the simulation parameters. By default, it will be printed to stdout.
- Default
Required argument
Get SimulationParameter JSONs with different north angles for orientation studies.
honeybee-energy settings orientation-sim-pars [OPTIONS] DDY_FILE
- --default-outputs, -nd, --no-default-outputs¶
Flag to note whether the default outputs for energy usage should be included in the simulation parameters or no outputs should be requested except for those explicitly listed with –output-name.
- Default
- -o, --output-name <output_name>¶
Any number of EnergyPlus output names as strings (eg. Surface Window System Solar Transmittance). These outputs will be requested from the simulation.
- -rf, --reporting-frequency <reporting_frequency>¶
Text for the frequency at which the outputs are reported. (Default: Hourly). Choose from the following: Annual, Monthly, Daily, Hourly Timestep
- -rp, --run-period <run_period>¶
An AnalysisPeriod or RunPeriod string to dictate the start and end of the simulation (eg. “6/21 to 9/21 between 0 and 23 @1”). If unspecified, the simulation will be for the whole year.
- -n, --start-north <start_north>¶
Number from -360 to 360 for the starting north angle. This will be added to the north-angles in order to shift all norths.
- Default
- --filter-des-days, -all, --all-des-days¶
Flag to note whether the design days in the ddy-file should be filtered to only include 99.6 and 0.4 design days.
- Default
- -es, --efficiency-standard <efficiency_standard>¶
Text to set the efficiency standard, which will automatically set the efficiencies of all HVAC equipment when provided. Note that providing a standard here will cause the OpenStudio translation process to perform an additional sizing calculation with EnergyPlus, which is needed since the default efficiencies of equipment vary depending on their size. THIS WILL SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE TRANSLATION TIME. However, it is often worthwhile when the goal is to match the HVAC specification with a particular standard.Choose from the following: DOE_Ref_Pre_1980, DOE_Ref_1980_2004, ASHRAE_2004, ASHRAE_2007, ASHRAE_2010, ASHRAE_2013, ASHRAE_2016, ASHRAE_2019
- -cz, --climate-zone <climate_zone>¶
Text indicating the ASHRAE climate zone to be used with the efficiency_standard. When unspecified, the climate zone will be inferred from the design days. This input can be a single integer (in which case it is interpreted as A) or it can include the A, B, or C qualifier (eg. 3C).
- -bt, --building-type <building_type>¶
Text for the building type to be used in the efficiency_standard. If the type is not recognized or is None, it will be assumed that the building is a generic NonResidential.
- -f, --folder <folder>¶
Output folder for the simulation parameter JSONS.
- -log, --log-file <log_file>¶
Optional log file to output the paths of the simulation parameters. By default the list will be printed out to stdout.
Required argument
Optional argument(s)
Get a RunPeriod string that can be used to set the simulation run period.
honeybee-energy settings run-period [OPTIONS] START_MONTH START_DAY END_MONTH
- -dow, --start-day-of-week <start_day_of_week>¶
Text for the day of the week on which the simulation starts.
- Default
- -h, --holidays <holidays>¶
Text for the holidays within the simulation. Dates should be formatted as follows: “[day int] [month text]” (eg. “25 Dec”). If not specified, no holidays are applied.
- -f, --output-file <output_file>¶
Optional file to output the JSON string of the run period. By default, it will be printed to stdout.
- Default
Required argument
Required argument
Required argument
Required argument
Get a SimulationParameter JSON with outputs and run period for HVAC sizing.
honeybee-energy settings sizing-sim-par [OPTIONS] DDY_FILE
- -lt, --load-type <load_type>¶
A text value to set the type of load outputs requested. Choose from the following: All - all energy use including heat lost from the zone Total - the total load added to the zone (both sensible and latent) Sensible - the sensible load added to the zone Latent - the latent load added to the zone.
- Default
- -n, --north <north>¶
Number from -360 to 360 for the counterclockwise difference between North and the positive Y-axis in degrees. 90 is west; 270 is east
- Default
- --filter-des-days, -all, --all-des-days¶
Flag to note whether the design days in the ddy-file should be filtered to only include 99.6 and 0.4 design days.
- Default
- -f, --output-file <output_file>¶
Optional file to output the JSON string of the simulation parameters. By default, it will be printed to stdout.
- Default
Required argument