honeybee_energy.properties.shademesh module

Shade Energy Properties.

class honeybee_energy.properties.shademesh.ShadeMeshEnergyProperties(host, construction=None, transmittance_schedule=None)[source]

Bases: object

Energy Properties for Honeybee ShadeMesh.

  • host – A honeybee_core ShadeMesh object that hosts these properties.

  • construction – An optional ShadeConstruction object to set the reflectance and specularity of the Shade. If None, it will be a generic context construction that is completely diffuse with 0.2 visible and solar reflectance. Unless it is building attached, in which case it will be set by the default generic ConstructionSet.

  • transmittance_schedule – An optional schedule to set the transmittance of the shade, which can vary throughout the day or year. Default is None for a completely opaque object.

  • host

  • construction

  • transmittance_schedule

  • is_construction_set_on_object

apply_properties_from_dict(abridged_data, constructions, schedules)[source]

Apply properties from a ShadeMeshEnergyPropertiesAbridged dictionary.

  • abridged_data – A ShadeMeshEnergyPropertiesAbridged dictionary (typically coming from a Model).

  • constructions – A dictionary of constructions with constructions identifiers as keys, which will be used to re-assign constructions.

  • schedules – A dictionary of schedules with schedule identifiers as keys, which will be used to re-assign schedules.


Get a copy of this object.


new_host – A new Shade object that hosts these properties. If None, the properties will be duplicated with the same host.

classmethod from_dict(data, host)[source]

Create ShadeMeshEnergyProperties from a dictionary.

Note that the dictionary must be a non-abridged version for this classmethod to work.

  • data – A dictionary representation of ShadeMeshEnergyProperties with the format below.

  • host – A Shade object that hosts these properties.

"type": 'ShadeMeshEnergyProperties',
"construction": {},  # A ShadeConstruction dictionary
"transmittance_schedule": {}  # A transmittance schedule dictionary

Check to see if these energy properties are equivalent to another object.

This will only be True if all properties match (except for the host) and will otherwise be False.


Get a Radiance modifier that combines the construction and transmittance.

Note that only the first value from the transmittance schedule will be used to create the Trans modifier and so this method is really only intended for cases of constant transmittance schedules. If there is no transmittance schedule, a plastic material will be returned.


Get a Radiance modifier that combines the construction and transmittance.

Note that only the first value from the transmittance schedule will be used to create the Trans modifier and so this method is really only intended for cases of constant transmittance schedules. If there is no transmittance schedule, a plastic material will be returned.


Reset the construction and transmittance schedule of this Shade to default.

This means that the Shade’s construction will be assigned by a ConstructionSet.


Return energy properties as a dictionary.


abridged – Boolean to note whether the full dictionary describing the object should be returned (False) or just an abridged version (True). Default: False.

property construction

Get or set a ShadeConstruction for the shade mesh object.

If the construction is not set on the shade-level, then it will be the generic context construction or the generic exterior shade construction if it is not detached.

property host

Get the ShadeMesh object hosting these properties.

property is_construction_set_on_object

Boolean noting if construction is assigned on the level of this Shade.

This is opposed to having the construction assigned by a ConstructionSet.

property transmittance_schedule

Get or set the transmittance schedule of the shade.