Source code for honeybee_energy.hvac.allair.psz

# coding=utf-8
"""Packaged Single-Zone (PSZ) HVAC system."""
from __future__ import division

from ._base import _AllAirBase

from honeybee._lockable import lockable

[docs]@lockable class PSZ(_AllAirBase): """Packaged Single-Zone (PSZ) HVAC system (aka. System 3 or 4). Each room/zone receives its own air loop with its own single-speed direct expansion (DX) cooling coil, which will condition the supply air to a value in between 12.8C (55F) and 50C (122F) depending on the heating/cooling needs of the room/zone. As long as a Baseboard equipment_type is NOT selected, heating will be supplied by a heating coil in the air loop. Otherwise, heating is accomplished with baseboards and the air loop only supplies cooling and ventilation air. Fans are constant volume. PSZ systems are the traditional baseline system for commercial buildings with less than 4 stories or less than 2,300 m2 (25,000 ft2) of floor area. They are also the default for all retail with less than 3 stories and all public assembly spaces. Args: identifier: Text string for system identifier. Must be < 100 characters and not contain any EnergyPlus special characters. This will be used to identify the object across a model and in the exported IDF. vintage: Text for the vintage of the template system. This will be used to set efficiencies for various pieces of equipment within the system. Choose from the following. * DOE_Ref_Pre_1980 * DOE_Ref_1980_2004 * ASHRAE_2004 * ASHRAE_2007 * ASHRAE_2010 * ASHRAE_2013 * ASHRAE_2016 * ASHRAE_2019 equipment_type: Text for the specific type of the system and equipment. (Default: the first option below) Choose from. * PSZAC_ElectricBaseboard * PSZAC_BoilerBaseboard * PSZAC_DHWBaseboard * PSZAC_GasHeaters * PSZAC_ElectricCoil * PSZAC_GasCoil * PSZAC_Boiler * PSZAC_ASHP * PSZAC_DHW * PSZAC * PSZAC_DCW_ElectricBaseboard * PSZAC_DCW_BoilerBaseboard * PSZAC_DCW_GasHeaters * PSZAC_DCW_ElectricCoil * PSZAC_DCW_GasCoil * PSZAC_DCW_Boiler * PSZAC_DCW_ASHP * PSZAC_DCW_DHW * PSZAC_DCW * PSZHP economizer_type: Text to indicate the type of air-side economizer used on the system. (Default: NoEconomizer). Choose from the following. * NoEconomizer * DifferentialDryBulb * DifferentialEnthalpy * DifferentialDryBulbAndEnthalpy * FixedDryBulb * FixedEnthalpy * ElectronicEnthalpy sensible_heat_recovery: A number between 0 and 1 for the effectiveness of sensible heat recovery within the system. (Default: 0). latent_heat_recovery: A number between 0 and 1 for the effectiveness of latent heat recovery within the system. (Default: 0). demand_controlled_ventilation: Boolean to note whether demand controlled ventilation should be used on the system, which will vary the amount of ventilation air according to the occupancy schedule of the Rooms. (Default: False). Properties: * identifier * display_name * vintage * equipment_type * economizer_type * sensible_heat_recovery * latent_heat_recovery * demand_controlled_ventilation * schedules * has_district_heating * has_district_cooling * user_data * properties Note: [1] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (2007). Ashrae standard 90.1. Atlanta, GA.\ technical-resources/standards-and-guidelines/read-only-versions-of-ashrae-standards """ __slots__ = () EQUIPMENT_TYPES = ( 'PSZAC_ElectricBaseboard', 'PSZAC_BoilerBaseboard', 'PSZAC_DHWBaseboard', 'PSZAC_GasHeaters', 'PSZAC_ElectricCoil', 'PSZAC_GasCoil', 'PSZAC_Boiler', 'PSZAC_ASHP', 'PSZAC_DHW', 'PSZAC', 'PSZAC_DCW_ElectricBaseboard', 'PSZAC_DCW_BoilerBaseboard', 'PSZAC_DCW_GasHeaters', 'PSZAC_DCW_ElectricCoil', 'PSZAC_DCW_GasCoil', 'PSZAC_DCW_Boiler', 'PSZAC_DCW_ASHP', 'PSZAC_DCW_DHW', 'PSZAC_DCW', 'PSZHP' )