Source code for honeybee_energy.hvac.allair.pvav
# coding=utf-8
"""Packaged Variable Air Volume (PVAV) HVAC system."""
from __future__ import division
from ._base import _AllAirBase
from honeybee._lockable import lockable
class PVAV(_AllAirBase):
"""Packaged Variable Air Volume (PVAV) HVAC system (aka. System 5 or 6).
All rooms/zones are connected to a central air loop that is kept at a constant
central temperature of 12.8C (55F). The central temperature is maintained by a
cooling coil, which runs whenever the combination of return air and fresh outdoor
air is greater than 12.8C, as well as a heating coil, which runs whenever
the combination of return air and fresh outdoor air is less than 12.8C.
Each air terminal for the connected rooms/zones contains its own reheat coil,
which runs whenever the room is not in need of the cooling supplied by the 12.8C
central air.
The central cooling coil is always a two-speed direct expansion (DX) coil.
All heating coils are hot water coils except when Gas Coil equipment_type is
used (in which case the central coil is gas and all others are electric)
or when Parallel Fan-Powered (PFP) boxes equipment_type is used (in which case
coils are electric resistance). Hot water temperature is 82C (180F) for
boiler/district heating and 49C (120F) when ASHP is used.
PVAV systems are the traditional baseline system for commercial buildings
with than 4-5 stories or between 2,300 m2 and 14,000 m2 (25,000 ft2 and
150,000 ft2) of floor area.
identifier: Text string for system identifier. Must be < 100 characters
and not contain any EnergyPlus special characters. This will be used to
identify the object across a model and in the exported IDF.
vintage: Text for the vintage of the template system. This will be used
to set efficiencies for various pieces of equipment within the system.
Choose from the following.
* DOE_Ref_Pre_1980
* DOE_Ref_1980_2004
* ASHRAE_2004
* ASHRAE_2007
* ASHRAE_2010
* ASHRAE_2013
* ASHRAE_2016
* ASHRAE_2019
equipment_type: Text for the specific type of the system and equipment. (Default:
the first option below) Choose from.
* PVAV_Boiler
* PVAV_BoilerElectricReheat
economizer_type: Text to indicate the type of air-side economizer used on
the system. (Default: NoEconomizer). Choose from the following.
* NoEconomizer
* DifferentialDryBulb
* DifferentialEnthalpy
* DifferentialDryBulbAndEnthalpy
* FixedDryBulb
* FixedEnthalpy
* ElectronicEnthalpy
sensible_heat_recovery: A number between 0 and 1 for the effectiveness
of sensible heat recovery within the system. (Default: 0).
latent_heat_recovery: A number between 0 and 1 for the effectiveness
of latent heat recovery within the system. (Default: 0).
demand_controlled_ventilation: Boolean to note whether demand controlled
ventilation should be used on the system, which will vary the amount
of ventilation air according to the occupancy schedule of the
Rooms. (Default: False).
* identifier
* display_name
* vintage
* equipment_type
* economizer_type
* sensible_heat_recovery
* latent_heat_recovery
* demand_controlled_ventilation
* schedules
* has_district_heating
* has_district_cooling
* user_data
* properties
[1] American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers,
Inc. (2007). Ashrae standard 90.1. Atlanta, GA.\
__slots__ = ()