Source code for honeybee_energy.programtype

# coding=utf-8
"""Complete definition of a zone program, including schedules and loads."""
from __future__ import division
import random

from .load.people import People
from import Lighting
from import ElectricEquipment, GasEquipment
from .load.hotwater import ServiceHotWater
from .load.infiltration import Infiltration
from .load.ventilation import Ventilation
from .load.setpoint import Setpoint

from honeybee._lockable import lockable
from honeybee.typing import valid_ep_string, tuple_with_length, clean_and_id_ep_string

[docs]@lockable class ProgramType(object): """Program Type object possessing all schedules and loads defining a program. Args: identifier: Text string for a unique ProgramType ID. Must be < 100 characters and not contain any EnergyPlus special characters. This will be used to identify the object across a model and in the exported IDF. people: A People object to describe the occupancy of the program. If None, no occupancy will be assumed for the program. (Default: None). lighting: A Lighting object to describe the lighting usage of the program. If None, no lighting will be assumed for the program. (Default: None). electric_equipment: An ElectricEquipment object to describe the usage of electric equipment within the program. If None, no electric equipment will be assumed for the program. (Default: None). gas_equipment: A GasEquipment object to describe the usage of gas equipment within the program. If None, no gas equipment will be assumed for the program. (Default: None). service_hot_water: A ServiceHotWater object to describe the usage of hot water within the program. If None, no hot water will be assumed for the program. (Default: None). infiltration: An Infiltration object to describe the outdoor air leakage of the program. If None, no infiltration will be assumed for the program. (Default: None). ventilation: A Ventilation object to describe the minimum outdoor air requirement of the program. If None, no ventilation requirement will be assumed for the program. Default: None setpoint: A Setpoint object to describe the temperature and humidity setpoints of the program. If None, the ProgramType cannot be assigned to a Room that is conditioned. (Default: None). Properties: * identifier * display_name * people * lighting * electric_equipment * gas_equipment * service_hot_water * infiltration * ventilation * setpoint * schedules * schedules_unique * user_data """ __slots__ = ('_identifier', '_display_name', '_people', '_lighting', '_electric_equipment', '_gas_equipment', '_service_hot_water', '_infiltration', '_ventilation', '_setpoint', '_locked', '_user_data') def __init__(self, identifier, people=None, lighting=None, electric_equipment=None, gas_equipment=None, service_hot_water=None, infiltration=None, ventilation=None, setpoint=None): """Initialize ProgramType""" self._locked = False # unlocked by default self.identifier = identifier self._display_name = None self.people = people = lighting self.electric_equipment = electric_equipment self.gas_equipment = gas_equipment self.service_hot_water = service_hot_water self.infiltration = infiltration self.ventilation = ventilation self.setpoint = setpoint self._user_data = None @property def identifier(self): """Get or set the text string for a unique program type identifier.""" return self._identifier @identifier.setter def identifier(self, identifier): self._identifier = valid_ep_string(identifier, 'program type identifier') @property def display_name(self): """Get or set a string for the object name without any character restrictions. If not set, this will be equal to the identifier. """ if self._display_name is None: return self._identifier return self._display_name @display_name.setter def display_name(self, value): if value is not None: try: value = str(value) except UnicodeEncodeError: # Python 2 machine lacking the character set pass # keep it as unicode self._display_name = value @property def people(self): """Get or set a People object to describe the occupancy of the program.""" return self._people @people.setter def people(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, People), 'Expected People object for ' \ 'ProgramType.people. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._people = value @property def lighting(self): """Get or set a Lighting object to describe the lighting usage of the program.""" return self._lighting @lighting.setter def lighting(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, Lighting), 'Expected Lighting object for ' \ ' Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._lighting = value @property def electric_equipment(self): """Get or set an ElectricEquipment object to describe the usage of equipment.""" return self._electric_equipment @electric_equipment.setter def electric_equipment(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, ElectricEquipment), 'Expected ElectricEquipment ' \ 'object for ProgramType.electric_equipment. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._electric_equipment = value @property def gas_equipment(self): """Get or set a GasEquipment object to describe the usage of equipment.""" return self._gas_equipment @gas_equipment.setter def gas_equipment(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, GasEquipment), 'Expected GasEquipment ' \ 'object for ProgramType.gas_equipment. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._gas_equipment = value @property def service_hot_water(self): """Get or set a ServiceHotWater object to describe the usage of hot water.""" return self._service_hot_water @service_hot_water.setter def service_hot_water(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, ServiceHotWater), 'Expected ServiceHotWater ' \ 'object for ProgramType.service_hot_water. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._service_hot_water = value @property def infiltration(self): """Get or set an Infiltration object to describe the outdoor air leakage.""" return self._infiltration @infiltration.setter def infiltration(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, Infiltration), 'Expected Infiltration ' \ 'object for ProgramType.infiltration. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._infiltration = value @property def ventilation(self): """Get or set a Ventilation object to describe the minimum outdoor air flow.""" return self._ventilation @ventilation.setter def ventilation(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, Ventilation), 'Expected Ventilation ' \ 'object for ProgramType.ventilation. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._ventilation = value @property def setpoint(self): """Get or set a Setpoint object to describe the temperature setpoints.""" return self._setpoint @setpoint.setter def setpoint(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, Setpoint), 'Expected Setpoint ' \ 'object for ProgramType.setpoint. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._setpoint = value @property def schedules(self): """List of all schedules contained within the ProgramType.""" sched = [] if self.people is not None: sched.append(self.people.occupancy_schedule) sched.append(self.people.activity_schedule) if is not None: sched.append( if self.electric_equipment is not None: sched.append(self.electric_equipment.schedule) if self.gas_equipment is not None: sched.append(self.gas_equipment.schedule) if self.service_hot_water is not None: sched.append(self.service_hot_water.schedule) if self.infiltration is not None: sched.append(self.infiltration.schedule) if self.ventilation is not None and self.ventilation.schedule is not None: sched.append(self.ventilation.schedule) if self.setpoint is not None: sched.append(self.setpoint.heating_schedule) sched.append(self.setpoint.cooling_schedule) if self.setpoint.humidifying_schedule is not None: sched.append(self.setpoint.humidifying_schedule) sched.append(self.setpoint.dehumidifying_schedule) return sched @property def schedules_unique(self): """List of all unique schedules contained within the ProgramType.""" return list(set(self.schedules)) @property def user_data(self): """Get or set an optional dictionary for additional meta data for this object. This will be None until it has been set. All keys and values of this dictionary should be of a standard Python type to ensure correct serialization of the object to/from JSON (eg. str, float, int, list, dict) """ return self._user_data @user_data.setter def user_data(self, value): if value is not None: assert isinstance(value, dict), 'Expected dictionary for honeybee_energy' \ 'object user_data. Got {}.'.format(type(value)) self._user_data = value
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Create a ProgramType from a dictionary. Note that the dictionary must be a non-abridged version for this classmethod to work. Args: data: Dictionary describing the ProgramType with the format below. .. code-block:: python { "type": 'ProgramType', "identifier": str, # ProgramType identifier "display_name": str, # ProgramType display name 'people': {}, # A People dictionary 'lighting': {}, # A Lighting dictionary 'electric_equipment': {}, # A ElectricEquipment dictionary 'gas_equipment': {}, # A GasEquipment dictionary 'service_hot_water': {}, # A ServiceHotWater dictionary 'infiltration': {}, # A Infliltration dictionary 'ventilation': {}, # A Ventilation dictionary 'setpoint': {} # A Setpoint dictionary } """ assert data['type'] == 'ProgramType', \ 'Expected ProgramType. Got {}.'.format(data['type']) # build each of the load objects people = People.from_dict(data['people']) if 'people' in data and \ data['people'] is not None else None lighting = Lighting.from_dict(data['lighting']) if 'lighting' in data and \ data['lighting'] is not None else None electric_equipment = ElectricEquipment.from_dict(data['electric_equipment']) \ if 'electric_equipment' in data and \ data['electric_equipment'] is not None else None gas_equipment = GasEquipment.from_dict(data['gas_equipment']) \ if 'gas_equipment' in data and \ data['gas_equipment'] is not None else None shw = ServiceHotWater.from_dict(data['service_hot_water']) \ if 'service_hot_water' in data and \ data['service_hot_water'] is not None else None infiltration = Infiltration.from_dict(data['infiltration']) if 'infiltration' \ in data and data['infiltration'] is not None else None ventilation = Ventilation.from_dict(data['ventilation']) if 'ventilation' \ in data and data['ventilation'] is not None else None setpoint = Setpoint.from_dict(data['setpoint']) if 'setpoint' in data and \ data['setpoint'] is not None else None new_obj = cls(data['identifier'], people, lighting, electric_equipment, gas_equipment, shw, infiltration, ventilation, setpoint) if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None: new_obj.display_name = data['display_name'] if 'user_data' in data and data['user_data'] is not None: new_obj.user_data = data['user_data'] return new_obj
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict_abridged(cls, data, schedule_dict): """Create a ProgramType object from an abridged dictionary. Args: data: A ProgramTypeAbridged dictionary. schedule_dict: A dictionary with schedule identifiers as keys and honeybee schedule objects as values (either ScheduleRuleset or ScheduleFixedInterval). These will be used to assign the schedules to the ProgramType object. .. code-block:: python { "type": 'ProgramTypeAbridged', "identifier": str, # ProgramType identifier "display_name": str, # ProgramType display name 'people': {}, # A PeopleAbridged dictionary 'lighting': {}, # A LightingAbridged dictionary 'electric_equipment': {}, # A ElectricEquipmentAbridged dictionary 'gas_equipment': {}, # A GasEquipmentAbridged dictionary 'service_hot_water': {}, # A ServiceHotWaterAbridged dictionary 'infiltration': {}, # A InfiltrationAbridged dictionary 'ventilation': {}, # A VentilationAbridged dictionary 'setpoint': {} # A SetpointAbridged dictionary } """ assert data['type'] == 'ProgramTypeAbridged', \ 'Expected ProgramTypeAbridged dictionary. Got {}.'.format(data['type']) # build each of the load objects try: people, lighting, electric_equipment, gas_equipment, shw, infiltration, \ ventilation, setpoint = cls._get_loads_from_abridged(data, schedule_dict) except KeyError as e: raise ValueError( 'The following schedule is missing from the model: {}'.format(e) ) new_obj = cls(data['identifier'], people, lighting, electric_equipment, gas_equipment, shw, infiltration, ventilation, setpoint) if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None: new_obj.display_name = data['display_name'] if 'user_data' in data and data['user_data'] is not None: new_obj.user_data = data['user_data'] return new_obj
[docs] def to_dict(self, abridged=False): """Get ProgramType as a dictionary. Args: abridged: Boolean noting whether detailed schedule objects should be written into the ProgramType (False) or just an abridged version (True) that references the schedules by identifier. Default: False. """ base = {'type': 'ProgramType'} if not \ abridged else {'type': 'ProgramTypeAbridged'} base['identifier'] = self.identifier if self.people is not None: base['people'] = self.people.to_dict(abridged) if is not None: base['lighting'] = if self.electric_equipment is not None: base['electric_equipment'] = self.electric_equipment.to_dict(abridged) if self.gas_equipment is not None: base['gas_equipment'] = self.gas_equipment.to_dict(abridged) if self.service_hot_water is not None: base['service_hot_water'] = self.service_hot_water.to_dict(abridged) if self.infiltration is not None: base['infiltration'] = self.infiltration.to_dict(abridged) if self.ventilation is not None: base['ventilation'] = self.ventilation.to_dict(abridged) if self.setpoint is not None: base['setpoint'] = self.setpoint.to_dict(abridged) if self._display_name is not None: base['display_name'] = self.display_name if self._user_data is not None: base['user_data'] = self.user_data return base
[docs] def diversify(self, program_count, occupancy_stdev=20, lighting_stdev=20, electric_equip_stdev=20, gas_equip_stdev=20, hot_water_stdev=20, infiltration_stdev=20, schedule_offset=1, timestep=1): """Get an array of diversified ProgramTypes derived from this "average" one. This method is useful when attempting to account for the fact that not all rooms within a building will be used by occupants according to a strict regimen. Some rooms will be used more than expected and others less. This method uses a random number generator and gaussian distribution to generate loads that vary about the mean program. Note that the randomly generated values can be set to something predictable by using the native Python random.seed() method before running this method. In addition to diversifying load values, approximately 2/3 of the schedules in the output programs will be offset from the mean by the input schedule_offset (1/3 ahead and another 1/3 behind). Args: program_count: An positive integer for the number of diversified programs to generate from this mean program. occupancy_stdev: A number between 0 and 100 for the percent of the occupancy people_per_area representing one standard deviation of diversification from the mean. (Default 20 percent). lighting_stdev: A number between 0 and 100 for the percent of the lighting watts_per_area representing one standard deviation of diversification from the mean. (Default 20 percent). electric_equip_stdev: A number between 0 and 100 for the percent of the electric equipment watts_per_area representing one standard deviation of diversification from the mean. (Default 20 percent). gas_equip_stdev: A number between 0 and 100 for the percent of the gas equipment watts_per_area representing one standard deviation of diversification from the mean. (Default 20 percent). hot_water_stdev: A number between 0 and 100 for the percent of the service hot water flow_per_area representing one standard deviation of diversification from the mean. (Default 20 percent). infiltration_stdev: A number between 0 and 100 for the percent of the infiltration flow_per_exterior_area representing one standard deviation of diversification from the mean. (Default 20 percent). schedule_offset: A positive integer for the number of timesteps at which all schedules of the resulting programs will be shifted - roughly 1/3 of the programs ahead and another 1/3 behind. (Default: 1). timestep: An integer for the number of timesteps per hour at which the shifting is occurring. This must be a value between 1 and 60, which is evenly divisible by 60. 1 indicates that each step is an hour while 60 indicates that each step is a minute. (Default: 1). """ # duplicate the input programs so that they can be diversified div_programs = [self.duplicate() for i in range(program_count)] for program in div_programs: program.identifier = clean_and_id_ep_string(self.identifier) sch_int = [random.randint(0, 2) for i in range(program_count)] # go through each load and generate diversified versions for the div_programs if self.people is not None and occupancy_stdev != 0: div_people = self.people.diversify( program_count, occupancy_stdev, schedule_offset, timestep, sch_int) for i, ppl in enumerate(div_people): div_programs[i].people = ppl if is not None and lighting_stdev != 0: div_lighting = program_count, lighting_stdev, schedule_offset, timestep, sch_int) for i, light in enumerate(div_lighting): div_programs[i].lighting = light if self.electric_equipment is not None and electric_equip_stdev != 0: div_e_equipment = self.electric_equipment.diversify( program_count, electric_equip_stdev, schedule_offset, timestep, sch_int) for i, e_equip in enumerate(div_e_equipment): div_programs[i].electric_equipment = e_equip if self.gas_equipment is not None and gas_equip_stdev != 0: div_g_equipment = self.gas_equipment.diversify( program_count, gas_equip_stdev, schedule_offset, timestep, sch_int) for i, g_equip in enumerate(div_g_equipment): div_programs[i].gas_equipment = g_equip if self.service_hot_water is not None and hot_water_stdev != 0: div_hot_water = self.service_hot_water.diversify( program_count, hot_water_stdev, schedule_offset, timestep, sch_int) for i, shw in enumerate(div_hot_water): div_programs[i].service_hot_water = shw if self.infiltration is not None and infiltration_stdev != 0: div_infiltration = self.infiltration.diversify( program_count, infiltration_stdev, schedule_offset, timestep, sch_int) for i, inf in enumerate(div_infiltration): div_programs[i].infiltration = inf if self.setpoint is not None and schedule_offset != 0: div_setpoint = self.setpoint.diversify( program_count, schedule_offset, timestep, sch_int) for i, setpt in enumerate(div_setpoint): div_programs[i].setpoint = setpt return div_programs
[docs] @staticmethod def average(identifier, program_types, weights=None, timestep_resolution=1): """Get a ProgramType object that's a weighted average between other objects. Args: identifier: A unique ID text string for the new averaged ProgramType. Must be < 100 characters and not contain any EnergyPlus special characters. This will be used to identify the object across a model and in the exported IDF. program_types: A list of ProgramType objects that will be averaged together to make a new ProgramType. weights: An optional list of fractional numbers with the same length as the input program_types that sum to 1. These will be used to weight each of the ProgramType objects in the resulting average. If None, the individual objects will be weighted equally. (Default: None). timestep_resolution: An optional integer for the timestep resolution at which the schedules will be averaged. Any schedule details smaller than this timestep will be lost in the averaging process. (Default: 1). """ # check the weights input if weights is None: weights = [1 / len(program_types)] * len(program_types) if \ len(program_types) > 0 else [] else: weights = tuple_with_length(weights, len(program_types), float, 'average ProgramType weights') assert abs(sum(weights) - 1.0) <= 1e-3, 'Average ProgramType weights ' \ 'must be equal to 1. Got {}.'.format(sum(weights)) # gather all of the load objects across all of the programs people_mtx = [[pr.people, w] for pr, w in zip(program_types, weights) if pr.people is not None] lighting_mtx = [[, w] for pr, w in zip(program_types, weights) if is not None] e_equip_mtx = [[p.electric_equipment, w] for p, w in zip(program_types, weights) if p.electric_equipment is not None] g_equip_mtx = [[pr.gas_equipment, w] for pr, w in zip(program_types, weights) if pr.gas_equipment is not None] shw_mtx = [[pr.service_hot_water, w] for pr, w in zip(program_types, weights) if pr.service_hot_water is not None] inf_mtx = [[pr.infiltration, w] for pr, w in zip(program_types, weights) if pr.infiltration is not None] vent_mtx = [[pr.ventilation, w] for pr, w in zip(program_types, weights) if pr.ventilation is not None] setp_mtx = [[pr.setpoint, w] for pr, w in zip(program_types, weights) if pr.setpoint is not None] # compute the average loads people = None if len(people_mtx) != 0: t_people_mtx = tuple(zip(*people_mtx)) people = People.average('{}_People'.format(identifier), t_people_mtx[0], t_people_mtx[1], timestep_resolution) lighting = None if len(lighting_mtx) != 0: t_lighting_mtx = tuple(zip(*lighting_mtx)) lighting = Lighting.average( '{}_Lighting'.format(identifier), t_lighting_mtx[0], t_lighting_mtx[1], timestep_resolution) electric_equipment = None if len(e_equip_mtx) != 0: t_e_equip_mtx = tuple(zip(*e_equip_mtx)) electric_equipment = ElectricEquipment.average( '{}_Electric Equipment'.format(identifier), t_e_equip_mtx[0], t_e_equip_mtx[1], timestep_resolution) gas_equipment = None if len(g_equip_mtx) != 0: t_g_equip_mtx = tuple(zip(*g_equip_mtx)) gas_equipment = GasEquipment.average( '{}_Gas Equipment'.format(identifier), t_g_equip_mtx[0], t_g_equip_mtx[1], timestep_resolution) shw = None if len(shw_mtx) != 0: t_shw_mtx = tuple(zip(*shw_mtx)) shw = ServiceHotWater.average( '{}_Service Hot Water'.format(identifier), t_shw_mtx[0], t_shw_mtx[1], timestep_resolution) infiltration = None if len(inf_mtx) != 0: t_inf_mtx = tuple(zip(*inf_mtx)) infiltration = Infiltration.average( '{}_Infiltration'.format(identifier), t_inf_mtx[0], t_inf_mtx[1], timestep_resolution) ventilation = None if len(vent_mtx) != 0: t_vent_mtx = tuple(zip(*vent_mtx)) ventilation = Ventilation.average( '{}_Ventilation'.format(identifier), t_vent_mtx[0], t_vent_mtx[1], timestep_resolution) setpoint = None if len(setp_mtx) != 0: t_setp_mtx = tuple(zip(*setp_mtx)) setpoint = Setpoint.average('{}_Setpoint'.format(identifier), t_setp_mtx[0], t_setp_mtx[1], timestep_resolution) # return the averaged object return ProgramType( identifier, people, lighting, electric_equipment, gas_equipment, shw, infiltration, ventilation, setpoint)
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Get a copy of this object.""" return self.__copy__()
[docs] def lock(self): """The lock() method to will also lock the loads.""" self._locked = True if self.people is not None: self.people.lock() if is not None: if self.electric_equipment is not None: self.electric_equipment.lock() if self.gas_equipment is not None: self.gas_equipment.lock() if self.service_hot_water is not None: self.service_hot_water.lock() if self.infiltration is not None: self.infiltration.lock() if self.ventilation is not None: self.ventilation.lock() if self.setpoint is not None: self.setpoint.lock()
[docs] def unlock(self): """The unlock() method will also unlock the loads.""" self._locked = False if self.people is not None: self.people.unlock() if is not None: if self.electric_equipment is not None: self.electric_equipment.unlock() if self.gas_equipment is not None: self.gas_equipment.unlock() if self.service_hot_water is not None: self.service_hot_water.unlock() if self.infiltration is not None: self.infiltration.unlock() if self.ventilation is not None: self.ventilation.unlock() if self.setpoint is not None: self.setpoint.unlock()
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString.""" return self.__repr__()
@staticmethod def _get_loads_from_abridged(data, schedule_dict): """Get re-built load objects from abridged dictionaries.""" people = None lighting = None electric_equipment = None gas_equipment = None shw = None infiltration = None ventilation = None setpoint = None if 'people' in data and data['people'] is not None: people = People.from_dict_abridged(data['people'], schedule_dict) if 'lighting' in data and data['lighting'] is not None: lighting = Lighting.from_dict_abridged(data['lighting'], schedule_dict) if 'electric_equipment' in data and data['electric_equipment'] is not None: electric_equipment = ElectricEquipment.from_dict_abridged( data['electric_equipment'], schedule_dict) if 'gas_equipment' in data and data['gas_equipment'] is not None: gas_equipment = GasEquipment.from_dict_abridged( data['gas_equipment'], schedule_dict) if 'service_hot_water' in data and data['service_hot_water'] is not None: shw = ServiceHotWater.from_dict_abridged( data['service_hot_water'], schedule_dict) if 'infiltration' in data and data['infiltration'] is not None: infiltration = Infiltration.from_dict_abridged( data['infiltration'], schedule_dict) if 'ventilation' in data and data['ventilation'] is not None: ventilation = Ventilation.from_dict_abridged( data['ventilation'], schedule_dict) if 'setpoint' in data and data['setpoint'] is not None: setpoint = Setpoint.from_dict_abridged(data['setpoint'], schedule_dict) return people, lighting, electric_equipment, gas_equipment, shw, \ infiltration, ventilation, setpoint @staticmethod def _instance_in_array(object_instance, object_array): """Check if a specific object instance is already in an array. This can be much faster than `if object_instance in object_array` when you expect to be testing a lot of the same instance of an object for inclusion in an array since the builtin method uses an == operator to test inclusion. """ for val in object_array: if val is object_instance: return True return False def __copy__(self): people = self.people.duplicate() if self.people is not None else None lighting = if is not None else None electric_equipment = self.electric_equipment.duplicate() if \ self.electric_equipment is not None else None gas_equipment = self.gas_equipment.duplicate() if \ self.gas_equipment is not None else None shw = self.service_hot_water.duplicate() if \ self.service_hot_water is not None else None infiltration = self.infiltration.duplicate() if \ self.infiltration is not None else None ventilation = self.ventilation.duplicate() if \ self.ventilation is not None else None setpoint = self.setpoint.duplicate() if self.setpoint is not None else None new_obj = ProgramType(self.identifier, people, lighting, electric_equipment, gas_equipment, shw, infiltration, ventilation, setpoint) new_obj._display_name = self._display_name new_obj._user_data = None if self._user_data is None else self._user_data.copy() return new_obj def __key(self): """A tuple based on the object properties, useful for hashing.""" return (self.identifier, hash(self.people), hash(, hash(self.electric_equipment), hash(self.gas_equipment), hash(self.service_hot_water), hash(self.infiltration), hash(self.ventilation), hash(self.setpoint)) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key()) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, ProgramType) and self.__key() == other.__key() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return 'Program Type: {}'.format(self.display_name)