Source code for honeybee_energy.simulation.control

# coding=utf-8
"""Simulation controls for which types of calculations to run."""
from __future__ import division

from ..reader import parse_idf_string
from ..writer import generate_idf_string

[docs]class SimulationControl(object): """Simulation controls for which types of calculations to run. Args: do_zone_sizing: Boolean for whether the zone sizing calculation should be run. Default: True. do_system_sizing: Boolean for whether the system sizing calculation should be run. Default: True. do_plant_sizing: Boolean for whether the plant sizing calculation should be run. Default: True. run_for_sizing_periods: Boolean for whether the simulation should be run for the sizing periods. Default: False. run_for_run_periods: Boolean for whether the simulation should be run for the run periods. Default: True. Properties: * do_zone_sizing * do_system_sizing * do_plant_sizing * run_for_sizing_periods * run_for_run_periods """ __slots__ = ('_do_zone_sizing', '_do_system_sizing', '_do_plant_sizing', '_run_for_sizing_periods', '_run_for_run_periods') def __init__(self, do_zone_sizing=True, do_system_sizing=True, do_plant_sizing=True, run_for_sizing_periods=False, run_for_run_periods=True): """Initialize SimulationControl.""" self.do_zone_sizing = do_zone_sizing self.do_system_sizing = do_system_sizing self.do_plant_sizing = do_plant_sizing self.run_for_sizing_periods = run_for_sizing_periods self.run_for_run_periods = run_for_run_periods @property def do_zone_sizing(self): """Get or set a boolean for whether the zone sizing calculation is run.""" return self._do_zone_sizing @do_zone_sizing.setter def do_zone_sizing(self, value): self._do_zone_sizing = bool(value) @property def do_system_sizing(self): """Get or set a boolean for whether the system sizing calculation is run.""" return self._do_system_sizing @do_system_sizing.setter def do_system_sizing(self, value): self._do_system_sizing = bool(value) @property def do_plant_sizing(self): """Get or set a boolean for whether the plant sizing calculation is run.""" return self._do_plant_sizing @do_plant_sizing.setter def do_plant_sizing(self, value): self._do_plant_sizing = bool(value) @property def run_for_sizing_periods(self): """Get or set a boolean for whether the simulation is run for sizing periods.""" return self._run_for_sizing_periods @run_for_sizing_periods.setter def run_for_sizing_periods(self, value): self._run_for_sizing_periods = bool(value) @property def run_for_run_periods(self): """Get or set a boolean for whether the simulation is run for run periods.""" return self._run_for_run_periods @run_for_run_periods.setter def run_for_run_periods(self, value): self._run_for_run_periods = bool(value)
[docs] @classmethod def from_idf(cls, idf_string): """Create a SimulationControl object from an EnergyPlus IDF text string. Args: idf_string: A text string fully describing an EnergyPlus SimulationControl definition. """ # check the inputs ep_strs = parse_idf_string(idf_string, 'SimulationControl,') # extract the properties from the string do_zone_sizing = False do_system_sizing = False do_plant_sizing = False run_for_sizing_periods = True run_for_run_periods = True try: do_zone_sizing = True if ep_strs[0].lower() == 'yes' else False do_system_sizing = True if ep_strs[1].lower() == 'yes' else False do_plant_sizing = True if ep_strs[2].lower() == 'yes' else False run_for_sizing_periods = False if ep_strs[3].lower() == 'no' else True run_for_run_periods = False if ep_strs[4].lower() == 'no' else True except IndexError: pass # shorter SimulationControl definition return cls(do_zone_sizing, do_system_sizing, do_plant_sizing, run_for_sizing_periods, run_for_run_periods)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Create a SimulationControl object from a dictionary. Args: data: A SimulationControl dictionary in following the format below. .. code-block:: python { "type": "SimulationControl", "do_zone_sizing": True, "do_system_sizing": True, "do_plant_sizing": True, "run_for_sizing_periods": False, "run_for_run_periods": True } """ assert data['type'] == 'SimulationControl', \ 'Expected SimulationControl dictionary. Got {}.'.format(data['type']) do_zone_sizing = data['do_zone_sizing'] if \ 'do_zone_sizing' in data else True do_system_sizing = data['do_system_sizing'] if \ 'do_system_sizing' in data else True do_plant_sizing = data['do_plant_sizing'] if \ 'do_plant_sizing' in data else True run_for_sizing_periods = data['run_for_sizing_periods'] if \ 'run_for_sizing_periods' in data else False run_for_run_periods = data['run_for_run_periods'] if \ 'run_for_run_periods' in data else False return cls(do_zone_sizing, do_system_sizing, do_plant_sizing, run_for_sizing_periods, run_for_run_periods)
[docs] def to_idf(self): """Get an EnergyPlus string representation of the SimulationControl.""" do_zone_sizing = 'Yes' if self.do_zone_sizing else 'No' do_system_sizing = 'Yes' if self.do_system_sizing else 'No' do_plant_sizing = 'Yes' if self.do_plant_sizing else 'No' run_for_sizing_periods = 'Yes' if self.run_for_sizing_periods else 'No' run_for_run_periods = 'Yes' if self.run_for_run_periods else 'No' values = (do_zone_sizing, do_system_sizing, do_plant_sizing, run_for_sizing_periods, run_for_run_periods) comments = ('do zone sizing', 'do system sizing', 'do plant sizing', 'run for sizing periods', 'run for run periods') return generate_idf_string('SimulationControl', values, comments)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """SimulationControl dictionary representation.""" return { 'type': 'SimulationControl', 'do_zone_sizing': self.do_zone_sizing, 'do_system_sizing': self.do_system_sizing, 'do_plant_sizing': self.do_plant_sizing, 'run_for_sizing_periods': self.run_for_sizing_periods, 'run_for_run_periods': self.run_for_run_periods }
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Get a copy of this object.""" return self.__copy__()
[docs] def ToString(self): """Overwrite .NET ToString.""" return self.__repr__()
def __copy__(self): return SimulationControl( self.do_zone_sizing, self.do_system_sizing, self.do_plant_sizing, self.run_for_sizing_periods, self.run_for_run_periods) def __key(self): """A tuple based on the object properties, useful for hashing.""" return (self.do_zone_sizing, self.do_system_sizing, self.do_plant_sizing, self.run_for_sizing_periods, self.run_for_run_periods) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__key()) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, SimulationControl) and self.__key() == other.__key() def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return self.to_idf()