# coding=utf-8
"""Functions to generate an Airflow Network for a list of rooms."""
from __future__ import division
import math
from .crack import AFNCrack
from .opening import VentilationOpening
from ._crack_data import CRACK_TEMPLATE_DATA
def _air_density_from_pressure(atmospheric_pressure=101325, air_temperature=20.0):
"""Calculate density of dry air using the ideal gas law from temperature and pressure.
atmospheric_pressure: Atmospheric pressure in Pascals. (Default: 101325).
air_temperature: Air temperature in Celsius. (Default: 20.0).
Air density at the given atmospheric pressure in kg/m3.
r_specific = 287.058 # specific gas constant for dry air in J/kg/K
air_temperature += 273.15 # absolute temperature
return atmospheric_pressure / (r_specific * air_temperature)
def _interior_afn(interior_face_groups, int_cracks, air_density=1.2041):
"""Mutate interior faces and subfaces to model airflow through cracks and openings.
This function creates an AFNCrack object with an air mass flow coefficient that
reflects the leakage characteristics of faces with different areas and types.
This requires multiplying the area-normalized air mass flow coefficients from the
reference crack data in int_cracks, by the wall area. This function assumes adjacent
faces share the same type and area properties so that the computed leakage parameters
are equivalent for each face.
interior_face_groups: A tuple with four groups of interior faces types
- int_walls: List of interior Wall type Face objects.
- int_floorceilings: List of interior RoofCeiling and Floor type Face
- int_apertures: List of interior Aperture Face objects.
- int_doors: List of interior Door Face objects.
- int_air: List of interior Faces with AirBoundary face type.
int_cracks: A dictionary of air mass flow coefficient and exponent data
corresponding to the face types in the interior_face_groups. Face
data flow coefficients should be normalized by surface area, and closed
opening flow coefficients should be normalized by edge lengths, for example:
.. code-block:: python
"wall_flow_cof": 0.003, # wall flow coefficient
"wall_flow_exp": 0.75, # wall flow exponent
"floorceiling_flow_cof": 0.0009, # floorceiling flow coefficient
"floorceiling_flow_exp": 0.7, # floorceiling flow exponent
"window_flow_cof": 0.0014, # window flow coefficient
"window_flow_exp": 0.65, # window flow exponent
"door_flow_cof": 0.02, # door flow coefficient
"door_flow_exp": 0.6 # door flow exponent
air_density: Air density in kg/m3. (Default: 1.2041 represents
air density at a temperature of 20 C and 101325 Pa).
# simplify parameters
int_walls, int_floorceilings, int_apertures, int_doors, int_air = interior_face_groups
# add interior crack leakage components for opaque building Faces
for int_wall in int_walls:
opening_area = sum([aper.area for aper in int_wall.apertures])
opening_area += sum([door.area for door in int_wall.doors])
face_area = int_wall.area - opening_area
flow_cof = int_cracks['wall_flow_cof'] * face_area
flow_exp = int_cracks['wall_flow_exp']
int_wall.properties.energy.vent_crack = AFNCrack(flow_cof, flow_exp)
for int_floorceiling in int_floorceilings:
opening_area = sum([aper.area for aper in int_floorceiling.apertures])
face_area = int_floorceiling.area - opening_area
flow_cof = int_cracks['floorceiling_flow_cof'] * face_area
flow_exp = int_cracks['floorceiling_flow_exp']
int_floorceiling.properties.energy.vent_crack = AFNCrack(flow_cof, flow_exp)
# add interior crack leakage for air boundary Faces
for int_ab in int_air:
# derive (large) flow coefficient from the orifice equation with 0.65 discharge
flow_cof = 0.65 * int_ab.area * math.sqrt(air_density * 2)
flow_exp = 0.5 # always use 0.5 exponent for a large hole-shaped opening
int_ab.properties.energy.vent_crack = AFNCrack(flow_cof, flow_exp)
# add interior opening leakage components
for int_aperture in int_apertures:
if int_aperture.properties.energy.vent_opening is None:
int_aperture.is_operable = True
int_aperture.properties.energy.vent_opening = \
vent_opening = int_aperture.properties.energy.vent_opening
vent_opening.flow_coefficient_closed = int_cracks['window_flow_cof']
vent_opening.flow_exponent_closed = int_cracks['window_flow_exp']
for int_door in int_doors:
if int_door.properties.energy.vent_opening is None:
int_door.properties.energy.vent_opening = \
vent_opening = int_door.properties.energy.vent_opening
vent_opening.flow_coefficient_closed = int_cracks['door_flow_cof']
vent_opening.flow_exponent_closed = int_cracks['door_flow_exp']
def _exterior_afn(exterior_face_groups, ext_cracks):
"""Mutate exterior faces and subfaces to model airflow through cracks and openings.
This function creates an AFNCrack object with an air mass flow coefficient that
reflects the leakage characteristics of faces with different areas and types.
This requires multiplying the area-normalized air mass flow coefficients from the
reference crack data in ext_cracks, by the wall area.
exterior_face_groups: A tuple with five groups of exterior envelope types
- ext_walls - A list of exterior Wall type Face objects.
- ext_roofs - A list of exterior RoofCeiling type Face objects.
- ext_floors - A list of exterior Floor type Face objects, like you
would find in a cantilevered Room.
- ext_apertures - A list of exterior Aperture Face objects.
- ext_doors - A list of exterior Door Face objects.
ext_cracks: A dictionary of air mass flow coefficient and exponent data
corresponding to the face types in the exterior_face_groups. Face
data flow coefficients should be normalized by surface area, and closed
opening flow coefficients should be normalized by edge lengths, for example:
.. code-block:: python
"wall_flow_cof": 0.003, # wall flow coefficient
"wall_flow_exp": 0.75, # wall flow exponent
"roof_flow_cof": 0.0009, # roof flow coefficient
"roof_flow_exp": 0.7, # roof flow exponent
"floor_flow_cof": 0.0009, # floor flow coefficient
"floor_flow_exp": 0.7, # floor flow exponent
"window_flow_cof": 0.0014, # window flow coefficient
"window_flow_exp": 0.65, # window flow exponent
"door_flow_cof": 0.02, # door flow coefficient
"door_flow_exp": 0.6 # door flow exponent
# simplify parameters
ext_walls, ext_roofs, ext_floors, ext_apertures, ext_doors = exterior_face_groups
# add exterior crack leakage components
for ext_wall in ext_walls:
opening_area = sum([aper.area for aper in ext_wall.apertures])
opening_area += sum([door.area for door in ext_wall.doors])
face_area = ext_wall.area - opening_area
flow_cof = ext_cracks['wall_flow_cof'] * face_area
flow_exp = ext_cracks['wall_flow_exp']
ext_wall.properties.energy.vent_crack = AFNCrack(flow_cof, flow_exp)
for ext_roof in ext_roofs:
opening_area = sum([aper.area for aper in ext_roof.apertures])
face_area = ext_roof.area - opening_area
flow_cof = ext_cracks['roof_flow_cof'] * face_area
flow_exp = ext_cracks['roof_flow_exp']
ext_roof.properties.energy.vent_crack = AFNCrack(flow_cof, flow_exp)
for ext_floor in ext_floors:
face_area = ext_floor.area
flow_cof = ext_cracks['floor_flow_cof'] * face_area
flow_exp = ext_cracks['floor_flow_exp']
ext_floor.properties.energy.vent_crack = AFNCrack(flow_cof, flow_exp)
# add exterior opening leakage components
for ext_aperture in ext_apertures:
if ext_aperture.properties.energy.vent_opening is None:
ext_aperture.is_operable = True
ext_aperture.properties.energy.vent_opening = \
vent_opening = ext_aperture.properties.energy.vent_opening
vent_opening.flow_coefficient_closed = ext_cracks['window_flow_cof']
vent_opening.flow_exponent_closed = ext_cracks['window_flow_exp']
for ext_door in ext_doors:
if ext_door.properties.energy.vent_opening is None:
ext_door.properties.energy.vent_opening = \
vent_opening = ext_door.properties.energy.vent_opening
vent_opening.flow_coefficient_closed = ext_cracks['door_flow_cof']
vent_opening.flow_exponent_closed = ext_cracks['door_flow_exp']
[docs]def generate(rooms, leakage_type='Medium', use_room_infiltration=True,
atmospheric_pressure=101325, delta_pressure=4):
Mutate a list of Honeybee Room objects to represent an EnergyPlus AirflowNetwork.
This function will compute leakage component parameters for the ventilation
cooling energy properties of Honeybee Room and Face objects to simulate an
EnergyPlus AirflowNetwork. The leakage flow coefficient and exponent values are
referenced from the DesignBuilder Cracks Template[1], which provides typical air
changes rates for different envelope tightness classifications for a range of
building types. Specifically this function references leakage values for an
'Excellent', 'Medium', and 'VeryPoor' classification of envelope tightness.
VentilationOpening objects will be added to Aperture and Door objects if not already
defined, with the fraction_area_operable set to 0. If already defined, only the
parameters defining leakage when the openings are closed will be overwritten.
AFNCrack objects will be added to all external and internal Face objects, and any
existing AFNCrack objects will be overwritten.
[1] DesignBuilder ( DesignBuilder Software Ltd, 2000-2020.
rooms: List of Honeybee Room objects that make up the Airflow Network. The
adjacencies of these rooms must be solved.
leakage_type: Text identifying the leakiness of the internal walls. This
will be used to determine the air mass flow rate parameters for cracks in
internal floors, ceilings and walls. (Default: ''Medium'').
Choose from the following:
* Excellent
* Medium
* VeryPoor
use_room_infiltration: Boolean value to specify how exterior leakage parameters
are computed. If True the exterior airflow leakage parameters will be derived
from the room infiltration rate specified in RoomEnergyProperties. This will
compute air leakage parameters for exterior cracks and opening edges that
produce a total air flow rate equivalent to the room infiltration rate, at
an envelope pressure difference of 4 Pa. However, the individual flow air
leakage parameters are not meant to be representative of real values, since
the infiltration flow rate is an average of the actual, variable surface
flow dynamics. If False, the airflow leakage parameters are selected from a
crack data template, corresponding to the provided leakage_type. Since these
leakage parameters reflect empirically obtained values for different surface
types, they will result in a more realistic simulation of air flow through
orifices and cracks. In both cases, interzone airflow leakage parameters are
referenced from the crack data template, corresponding to the provided
atmospheric_pressure: Optional number to define the atmospheric pressure
measurement in Pascals used to calculate dry air density. (Default: 101325).
delta_pressure: Optional reference air pressure difference across the building
envelope orifice in Pascals. delta_pressure is used to calculate
infiltration crack flow coefficients if the use_room_infiltration argument
is True. See the exterior_afn_from_infiltration method in the
RoomEnergyProperties class for details on how to set this value if
attempting to replicate the room infiltration rate per exterior area.
Default 4 represents typical building pressures.
# simplify parameters
if leakage_type == 'Excellent':
int_cracks = CRACK_TEMPLATE_DATA['internal_excellent_cracks']
ext_cracks = CRACK_TEMPLATE_DATA['external_excellent_cracks']
elif leakage_type == 'Medium':
int_cracks = CRACK_TEMPLATE_DATA['internal_medium_cracks']
ext_cracks = CRACK_TEMPLATE_DATA['external_medium_cracks']
elif leakage_type == 'VeryPoor':
int_cracks = CRACK_TEMPLATE_DATA['internal_verypoor_cracks']
ext_cracks = CRACK_TEMPLATE_DATA['external_verypoor_cracks']
raise AssertionError('leakage_type must be "Excellent", "Medium", '
'or "VeryPoor". Got: {}.'.format(leakage_type))
# generate the airflow newtwork
for room in rooms:
# get grouped faces by type that experience air flow leakage
ext_faces, int_faces = room.properties.energy.envelope_components_by_type()
# mutate surfaces with AFN flow parameters
rho = _air_density_from_pressure(atmospheric_pressure)
if use_room_infiltration and room.properties.energy.infiltration is not None:
ext_faces, air_density=rho, delta_pressure=delta_pressure)
_exterior_afn(ext_faces, ext_cracks)
_interior_afn(int_faces, int_cracks, rho)