honeybee_radiance.config module

Honeybee_radiance configurations.

Import this into every module where access configurations are needed.


from honeybee_radiance.config import folders
folders.radiance_path = "C:/Radiance/bin"
class honeybee_radiance.config.Folders(config_file=None, mute=True)[source]

Bases: object

Honeybee_radiance folders.

  • config_file – The path to the config.json file from which folders are loaded. If None, the config.json module included in this package will be used. Default: None.

  • mute – If False, the paths to the various folders will be printed as they are found. If True, no printing will occur upon initialization of this class. Default: True.

  • radiance_path

  • radbin_path

  • radlib_path

  • radiance_version

  • radiance_version_str

  • radiance_version_date

  • standards_data_folder

  • modifier_lib

  • modifierset_lib

  • defaults_file

  • config_file

  • mute

property config_file

Get or set the path to the config.json file from which folders are loaded.

Setting this to None will result in using the config.json module included in this package.

property defaults_file

Get or set the JSON file where honeybee’s defaults are loaded from.

property env

Return Radiance environment as a dictionary.

property modifier_lib

Get the path to the modifier library in the standards_data_folder.

property modifierset_lib

Get the path to the modifierset library in the standards_data_folder.

property radbin_path

Get the path to Radiance bin folder.

This is the “bin” directory for Radiance installation (the one that contains the executable files).

property radiance_path

Get or set the path to Radiance installation folder.

This is the top level folder that contains both the “bin” and the “lib” directories.

property radiance_version

Get a tuple for the version of radiance (eg. (5, 3, ‘012cb17835’)).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no Radiance installation was found.

property radiance_version_date

Get a tuple for the date of the radiance version (eg. (2020, 9, 3)).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no Radiance installation was found.

property radiance_version_str

Get text for the full version of radiance (eg.”RADIANCE 5.3 official release”).

This will be None if the version could not be sensed or if no Radiance installation was found.

property radlib_path

Get the path to Radiance lib folder.

property standards_data_folder

Get or set the path to the folder standards loaded to honeybee_radiance.lib.

This folder must have the following sub-folders in order to be valid: * modifiers - folder with RAD files for modifiers. * modifiersets - folder with JSON files of abridged ModifierSets.