honeybee_radiance.postprocess.annualglare module¶
Functions for post-processing imageless annual glare outputs.
Note: These functions will most likely be moved to a separate package in the near future.
- honeybee_radiance.postprocess.annualglare.glare_autonomy(dgp_file, occ_pattern, glare_threshold=0.4, total_hours=None)[source]¶
Compute glare autonomy for a given result file.
- Parameters
dgp_file – Path to a dgp file generated by Radiance. The dgp file should be tab separated and shot NOT have a header. The results for each sensor point should be available in a row and and each column should be the DGP value for a sun_up_hour. The number of columns should match the number of sun up hours.
occ_pattern – A list of 0 and 1 values for hours of occupancy.
glare_threshold – Threshold DGP level for glare autonomy. Default: 0.4.
total_hours – An integer for the total number of occupied hours in the occupancy schedule. If None, it will be assumed that all of the occupied hours are sun-up hours and are already accounted for in the the occ_pattern.
- Returns
A list of glare autonomy values. Number of results in each list matches the number of lines in dgp input file.
- honeybee_radiance.postprocess.annualglare.glare_autonomy_from_folder(results_folder, schedule=None, glare_threshold=0.4, grids_filter='*')[source]¶
Compute glare autonomy for a folder.
This folder is an output folder of imageless annual glare recipe. Folder should include grids_info.json and sun-up-hours.txt - the script uses the list in grids_info.json to find the result files for each sensor grid.
- Parameters
results_folder – Results folder.
schedule – An annual schedule for 8760 hours of the year as a list of values.
glare_threshold – Threshold DGP level for glare autonomy. Default: 0.4.
grids_filter – A pattern to filter the grids. By default all the grids will be processed.
- Returns
Tuple[List] - There will be a list for each input sensor grid. Number of results in each list matches the number of lines in ill input file.
- honeybee_radiance.postprocess.annualglare.glare_autonomy_to_file(dgp_file, occ_pattern, output_folder, glare_threshold=0.4, grid_name=None, total_hours=None)[source]¶
Compute glare autonomy for an dgp file and write the results to a folder.
This function generates 1 file for glare autonomy.
- Parameters
dgp_file – Path to an dgp file generated by Radiance. The dgp file should be tab separated and shot NOT have a header. The results for each sensor point should be available in a row and and each column should be the daylight glare probability value for a sun_up_hour. The number of columns should match the number of sun up hours.
occ_pattern – A list of 0 and 1 values for hours of occupancy.
output_folder – An output folder where the results will be written to. The folder will be created if not exist.
glare_threshold – A fractional number for the threshold of DGP above which conditions are considered to induce glare. Default: 0.4.
grid_name – An optional name for grid name which will be used to name the output files. If None the name of the input file will be used.
total_hours – An integer for the total number of occupied hours in the occupancy schedule. If None, it will be assumed that all of the occupied hours are sun-up hours and are already accounted for in the the occ_pattern.
- Returns
- honeybee_radiance.postprocess.annualglare.glare_autonomy_to_folder(results_folder, schedule=None, glare_threshold=0.4, grids_filter='*', sub_folder='metrics')[source]¶
Compute annual glare autonomy in a folder and write them in a subfolder.
This folder is an output folder of imageless annual glare recipe. Folder should include grids_info.json and sun-up-hours.txt - the script uses the list in grids_info.json to find the result files for each sensor grid.
- Parameters
results_folder – Results folder.
schedule – An annual schedule for 8760 hours of the year as a list of values.
glare_threshold – A fractional number for the threshold of DGP above which conditions are considered to induce glare. Default: 0.4.
grids_filter – A pattern to filter the grids. By default all the grids will be processed.
sub_folder – An optional relative path for subfolder to copy results files. Default: metrics
- Returns
str – Path to results folder.