Source code for honeybee_radiance.dynamic.multiphase

# coding=utf-8
"""Functions for auto-assigning aperture groups for multiphase studies."""
from __future__ import division
import os
import math
from collections import OrderedDict

from ladybug_geometry.geometry3d.mesh import Mesh3D
from honeybee_radiance_command.rfluxmtx import RfluxmtxOptions, Rfluxmtx

from honeybee_radiance.config import folders
from honeybee_radiance.sensorgrid import SensorGrid

def _index_and_min(distance_matrix):
    """Return the minimum value of the distance matrix, as well as the index [j, i] of
    the minimum value of the distance matrix."""
    min_value = min([min(sublist) for sublist in distance_matrix])
    for i, _i in enumerate(distance_matrix):
        for j, _j in enumerate(distance_matrix):
            if distance_matrix[i][j] == min_value:
                index = [j, i]
    return min_value, index

def _pairwise_maximum(array1, array2):
    """Return an array of the pairwise maximum of two arrays."""
    pair_array = [array1, array2]
    max_array = list(map(max, zip(*pair_array)))
    return max_array

def _transpose_matrix(matrix):
    """Transposes the distance matrix."""
    matrix = list(map(list, zip(*matrix)))
    return matrix

def _rmse_from_matrix(vf_matrix_dict):
    """Calculates RMSE."""
    rmse = []
    for predicted in vf_matrix_dict.values():
        r_list = []
        for observed in vf_matrix_dict.values():
            error = [(p - o) for p, o in zip(predicted, observed)]
            square_error = [e ** 2 for e in error]
            mean_square_error = sum(square_error) / len(square_error)
            root_mean_square_error = mean_square_error ** 0.5
    return rmse

def _flatten(container):
    """Flatten an array."""
    if not isinstance(container, list):
        container = [container]
    for i in container:
        if isinstance(i, (list, tuple)):
            for j in _flatten(i):
                yield j
            yield i

def _agglomerative_clustering_complete(distance_matrix, apertures, threshold=0.001):
    """Cluster apertures based on the threshold."""

    # Fill the diagonal with 9999 so a diagonal of zeros will NOT be stored
    # as min_value.
    for i in range(len(distance_matrix)):
        distance_matrix[i][i] = 9999

    # Create starting list of aperture groups. Each aperture starts as its
    # own group.
    ap_groups = apertures

    # Set the number of samples and the minimum value of the distance
    # matrix.
    n_samples = len(distance_matrix)

    # Set the minimum value of the distance matrix and find the indices of
    # the minimum value in the distance matrix.
    min_value, index = _index_and_min(distance_matrix)

    while n_samples > 1 and min_value < threshold:
        # Combine the two groups and place it at index 0, and remove item
        # at index 1.
        ap_groups[index[0]] = [ap_groups[index[0]], ap_groups[index[1]]]

        # Update the values in the distance matrix. We need the maximum
        # values between the new cluster and all the remaining apertures or
        # clusters still in the distance matrix.
        distance_matrix[index[0]] = \
            _pairwise_maximum(distance_matrix[index[0]], distance_matrix[index[1]])
        distance_matrix = _transpose_matrix(distance_matrix)
        distance_matrix[index[0]] = \
            _pairwise_maximum(distance_matrix[index[0]], distance_matrix[index[1]])

        # Remove the values at index 1 along both axes.
        distance_matrix = _transpose_matrix(distance_matrix)

        # Update the number of samples that are left in the distance matrix.
        n_samples -= 1
        # Update the minimum value and the indices.
        min_value, index = _index_and_min(distance_matrix)

    return ap_groups

[docs]def aperture_view_factor( project_folder, apertures, size=0.2, ambient_division=1000, receiver='', octree='scene.oct', calc_folder='aperture_grouping' ): """Calculates the view factor for each aperture by sensor points.""" # Instantiate dictionary that will store the sensor count for each # aperture. We need a OrderedDict so that we can split the rfluxmtx # output file by each aperture (sensor count) in the correct order. ap_dict = OrderedDict() meshes = [] # Create a mesh for each aperture and add the the sensor count to dict. for aperture in apertures: ap_mesh = aperture.geometry.mesh_grid(size, generate_centroids=False) meshes.append(ap_mesh) ap_dict[aperture.identifier] = \ { 'sensor_count': len(ap_mesh.faces), 'aperture': aperture } # Create a sensor grid from joined aperture mesh. mesh = Mesh3D.join_meshes(meshes).offset_mesh(0.001) grid_mesh = SensorGrid.from_mesh3d('aperture_grid', mesh) # Write sensor grid to pts file. sensors = grid_mesh.to_file(os.path.join(project_folder, calc_folder), file_name='apertures') # Rfluxmtx options. rflux_opt = RfluxmtxOptions() = ambient_division rflux_opt.lw = 1.0 / float( rflux_opt.I = True rflux_opt.h = True # Rfluxmtx command. rflux = Rfluxmtx() rflux.options = rflux_opt rflux.receivers = receiver rflux.sensors = sensors rflux.octree = octree rflux.output = os.path.join(calc_folder, 'apertures_vf.mtx') # Run rfluxmtx command. env = None if folders.env != {}: env = folders.env env = dict(os.environ, **env) if env else None, cwd=project_folder) # Get the output file of the rfluxmtx command. mtx_file = os.path.join(project_folder, rflux.output) return mtx_file, ap_dict
[docs]def aperture_view_factor_postprocess(mtx_file, ap_dict, room_apertures, room_based=True): view_factor = [] # Read view factor file, convert to one channel output, and divide by # Pi. with open(mtx_file) as mtx_data: for sensor in mtx_data: sensor_split = sensor.strip().split() if len(sensor_split) % 3 == 0: one_channel = sensor_split[::3] convert_to_vf = lambda x: float(x) / math.pi view_factor.append(list(map(convert_to_vf, one_channel))) ap_view_factor = OrderedDict() # Split the view factor file by the aperture sensor count. for ap_id, value in ap_dict.items(): sensor_count = value['sensor_count'] ap_vf, view_factor = view_factor[:sensor_count], view_factor[sensor_count:] ap_view_factor[ap_id] = ap_vf ap_view_factor_mean = OrderedDict() # Get the mean view factor per sky patch for each aperture. for ap_id, ap_vf in ap_view_factor.items(): ap_t = _transpose_matrix(ap_vf) ap_view_factor_mean[ap_id] = \ [sum(sky_patch) / len(sky_patch) for sky_patch in ap_t] if room_based: # Restructure ap_view_factor_mean. _ap_view_factor_mean = {} for room_id, data in room_apertures.items(): _ap_view_factor_mean[room_id] = OrderedDict() for ap in data['apertures']: ap_id = ap.identifier _ap_view_factor_mean[room_id][ap_id] = ap_view_factor_mean[ap_id] ap_view_factor_mean = _ap_view_factor_mean # Calculate RMSE between all combinations of averaged aperture view factors. if room_based: rmse = OrderedDict() for room_id, vf_matrix_dict in ap_view_factor_mean.items(): _rmse = _rmse_from_matrix(vf_matrix_dict) rmse[room_id] = _rmse else: rmse = _rmse_from_matrix(ap_view_factor_mean) return rmse
[docs]def cluster_view_factor(rmse, room_apertures, apertures, threshold, room_based=True, vertical_tolerance=None): # Cluster the apertures by the 'complete method'. if room_based: ap_groups = {} for room_id, _rmse in rmse.items(): apertures = room_apertures[room_id]['apertures'] _room_ap_groups = \ _agglomerative_clustering_complete(_rmse, apertures, threshold) # Flatten the groups. This will break the inter-cluster # structure, but we do not need to know that. _room_ap_groups = [list(_flatten(cluster)) for cluster in _room_ap_groups] if vertical_tolerance: # Check groups by vertical tolerance. vertical_groups = [] for ap_group in _room_ap_groups: vert_dist_matrix = [] for ap_1 in ap_group: vert_dist_list = [] for ap_2 in ap_group: vert_dist = abs( - vert_dist_list.append(vert_dist) vert_dist_matrix.append(vert_dist_list) _ap_groups = _agglomerative_clustering_complete( vert_dist_matrix, ap_group, vertical_tolerance ) _ap_groups = [list(_flatten(cluster)) for cluster in _ap_groups] vertical_groups.extend(_ap_groups) _room_ap_groups = vertical_groups ap_groups[room_id] = _room_ap_groups else: ap_groups = _agglomerative_clustering_complete(rmse, apertures, threshold) # Flatten the groups. This will break the inter-cluster structure, # but we do not need to know that. ap_groups = [list(_flatten(cluster)) for cluster in ap_groups] if vertical_tolerance: # Check groups by vertical tolerance. vertical_groups = [] for ap_group in ap_groups: vert_dist_matrix = [] for ap_1 in ap_group: vert_dist_list = [] for ap_2 in ap_group: vert_dist = abs( - vert_dist_list.append(vert_dist) vert_dist_matrix.append(vert_dist_list) _ap_groups = _agglomerative_clustering_complete( vert_dist_matrix, ap_group, vertical_tolerance) _ap_groups = [list(_flatten(cluster)) for cluster in _ap_groups] vertical_groups.extend(_ap_groups) ap_groups = vertical_groups return ap_groups
[docs]def cluster_orientation(room_apertures, apertures, room_based=True, vertical_tolerance=None): if room_based: ap_groups = {} for room_id, data in room_apertures.items(): _normal_list = [] grouped_apertures = [] for ap in data['apertures']: # check if normal is already in list n_bools = [ap.normal.is_equivalent(n, tolerance=0.01) for n in _normal_list] if not any(n_bools): _normal_list.append(ap.normal) # append empty list for new group grouped_apertures.append([]) for idx, n in enumerate(_normal_list): if n.is_equivalent(ap.normal, tolerance=0.01): group_index = idx grouped_apertures[group_index].append(ap) if vertical_tolerance: # Check groups by vertical tolerance. vertical_groups = [] for ap_group in grouped_apertures: vert_dist_matrix = [] for ap_1 in ap_group: vert_dist_list = [] for ap_2 in ap_group: vert_dist = abs( - vert_dist_list.append(vert_dist) vert_dist_matrix.append(vert_dist_list) _ap_groups = _agglomerative_clustering_complete( vert_dist_matrix, ap_group, vertical_tolerance ) _ap_groups = [list(_flatten(cluster)) for cluster in _ap_groups] vertical_groups.extend(_ap_groups) grouped_apertures = vertical_groups ap_groups[room_id] = grouped_apertures else: _normal_list = [] grouped_apertures = [] for ap in apertures: # check if normal is already in list n_bools = [ap.normal.is_equivalent(n, tolerance=0.01) for n in _normal_list] if not any(n_bools): _normal_list.append(ap.normal) # append empty list for new group grouped_apertures.append([]) for idx, n in enumerate(_normal_list): if n.is_equivalent(ap.normal, tolerance=0.01): group_index = idx grouped_apertures[group_index].append(ap) ap_groups = grouped_apertures if vertical_tolerance: # Check groups by vertical tolerance. vertical_groups = [] for ap_group in ap_groups: vert_dist_matrix = [] for ap_1 in ap_group: vert_dist_list = [] for ap_2 in ap_group: vert_dist = abs( - vert_dist_list.append(vert_dist) vert_dist_matrix.append(vert_dist_list) _ap_groups = _agglomerative_clustering_complete( vert_dist_matrix, ap_group, vertical_tolerance) _ap_groups = [list(_flatten(cluster)) for cluster in _ap_groups] vertical_groups.extend(_ap_groups) ap_groups = vertical_groups return ap_groups
[docs]def cluster_output(ap_groups, room_apertures, room_based=True): # Add the aperture group to each aperture in the dictionary. group_names = [] group_dict = {} if room_based: for room_id, groups in ap_groups.items(): for idx, group in enumerate(groups): ap_ids = [ap.identifier for ap in group] group_name = '{}_ApertureGroup_{}'.format(room_id, idx) group_names.append( {'identifier': group_name, 'apertures': ap_ids} ) for ap_id in ap_ids: group_dict[ap_id] = group_name else: for idx, group in enumerate(ap_groups): ap_ids = [ap.identifier for ap in group] group_name = 'ApertureGroup_{}'.format(idx) group_names.append( {'identifier': group_name, 'apertures': ap_ids} ) for ap_id in ap_ids: group_dict[ap_id] = group_name return group_names, group_dict