Source code for honeybee_radiance.geometry.bubble

"""Radiance Bubble.
from .sphere import Sphere

[docs]class Bubble(Sphere): """Radiance Bubble. A bubble is simply a sphere whose surface normal points inward. .. code-block:: shell mod bubble id 0 0 4 xcent ycent zcent radius Args: identifier: Text string for a unique Geometry ID. Must not contain spaces or special characters. This will be used to identify the object across a model and in the exported Radiance files. center_pt: Sphere center point as (x, y, z) (Default: (0, 0 ,0)). radius: Bubble radius as a number (Default: 10). modifier: Geometry modifier (Default: None). dependencies: A list of primitives that this primitive depends on. This argument is only useful for defining advanced primitives where the primitive is defined based on other primitives. (Default: []) Properties: * identifier * display_name * center_pt * radius * modifier * dependencies * values """ __slots__ = () pass