Source code for honeybee_radiance.modifier.material.mirror

"""Radiance Mirror Material.
from __future__ import division
from .materialbase import Material
import honeybee.typing as typing
from ...primitive import Void

VOID = Void()

[docs]class Mirror(Material): """Radiance mirror material. Mirror is used for planar surfaces that produce virtual source reflections. This material should be used sparingly, as it may cause the light source calculation to blow up if it is applied to many small surfaces. This material is only supported for flat surfaces such as polygons and rings. The arguments are simply the RGB reflectance values, which should be between 0 and 1. An optional string argument may be used (like the illum type) to specify a different material to be used for shading non-source rays. If this alternate material is given as "void", then the mirror surface will be invisible. Using "void" is only appropriate if the surface hides other (more detailed) geometry with the same overall reflectance. Args: identifier: Text string for a unique Material ID. Must not contain spaces or special characters. This will be used to identify the object across a model and in the exported Radiance files. r_reflectance: Reflectance for red. The value should be between 0 and 1 (Default: 1). g_reflectance: Reflectance for green. The value should be between 0 and 1 (Default: 1). b_reflectance: Reflectance for blue. The value should be between 0 and 1 (Default: 1). modifier: Material modifier (Default: None). alternate_material: An optional material (like the illum type) used to specify a different material to be used for shading non-source rays. If None, this will keep the alternat_material as mirror. If this alternate material is given as "void", then the mirror surface will be invisible. Using "void" is only appropriate if the surface hides other (more detailed) geometry with the same overall reflectance (Default: None). dependencies: A list of primitives that this primitive depends on. This argument is only useful for defining advanced primitives where the primitive is defined based on other primitives (Default: []). Properties: * identifier * display_name * r_reflectance * g_reflectance * b_reflectance * average_reflectance * values * modifier * alternate_material * dependencies * is_modifier * is_material Usage: .. code-block:: python mirror_material = Mirror("mirror_material", 0.95, .95, .95) print(mirror_material) """ __slots__ = ('_r_reflectance', '_g_reflectance', '_b_reflectance', '_alternate_material',) def __init__( self, identifier, r_reflectance=1.0, g_reflectance=1.0, b_reflectance=1.0, modifier=None, alternate_material=None, dependencies=None): """Create mirror material.""" # add alternate material as a dependency if provided self._alternate_material = None # placeholder for alternate material Material.__init__(self, identifier, modifier=modifier, dependencies=dependencies) self.r_reflectance = r_reflectance self.g_reflectance = g_reflectance self.b_reflectance = b_reflectance self.alternate_material = alternate_material self._update_values() def _update_values(self): "update value dictionaries." if self.alternate_material is not None: self._values[0] = [self.alternate_material.identifier] self._values[2] = [ self.r_reflectance, self.g_reflectance, self.b_reflectance, ] @property def r_reflectance(self): """Get or set the reflectance for red channel. The value should be between 0 and 1 (Default: 0). """ return self._r_reflectance @r_reflectance.setter def r_reflectance(self, reflectance): self._r_reflectance = \ typing.float_in_range(reflectance, 0, 1, 'red reflectance') @property def g_reflectance(self): """Get or set the reflectance for green channel. The value should be between 0 and 1 (Default: 0). """ return self._g_reflectance @g_reflectance.setter def g_reflectance(self, reflectance): self._g_reflectance = \ typing.float_in_range(reflectance, 0, 1, 'green reflectance') @property def b_reflectance(self): """Get or set the reflectance for blue channel. The value should be between 0 and 1 (Default: 0). """ return self._b_reflectance @b_reflectance.setter def b_reflectance(self, reflectance): self._b_reflectance = \ typing.float_in_range(reflectance, 0, 1, 'blue reflectance') @property def alternate_material(self): """Get or set an optional material for shading non-source rays. If None, this will keep the alternat_material as mirror. If this alternate material is given as "void", then the mirror surface will be invisible. Using "void" is only appropriate if the surface hides other (more detailed) geometry with the same overall reflectance. """ return self._alternate_material @alternate_material.setter def alternate_material(self, material): if material is not None: assert isinstance(material, (Material, Void)), \ 'alternate material must be from type Material not {}'.format( type(material)) self._alternate_material = material @property def dependencies(self): """Get list of dependencies for this primitive. Additional dependencies can be added with the add_dependent method. """ return self._dependencies if not self.alternate_material \ else self._dependencies + [self.alternate_material]
[docs] @classmethod def from_single_reflectance( cls, identifier, rgb_reflectance=0.0, modifier=None, alternate_material=None, dependencies=None): """Create mirror material with single reflectance value. Args: identifier: Text string for a unique Material ID. Must not contain spaces or special characters. This will be used to identify the object across a model and in the exported Radiance files. rgb_reflectance: Reflectance for red, green and blue. The value should be between 0 and 1 (Default: 0). modifier: Material modifier (Default: None). alternate_material: An optional material may be used like the illum type to specify a different material to be used for shading non-source rays. If None, this will keep the alternat_material as mirror. If this alternate material is given as "void", then the mirror surface will be invisible. Using "void" is only appropriate if the surface hides other (more detailed) geometry with the same overall reflectance (Default: None). dependencies: A list of primitives that this primitive depends on. This argument is only useful for defining advanced primitives where the primitive is defined based on other primitives. (Default: []) Usage: .. code-block:: python wall_material = Mirror.by_single_reflect_value("mirror", 1.0) """ return cls( identifier, rgb_reflectance, rgb_reflectance, rgb_reflectance, modifier, alternate_material, dependencies )
[docs] @classmethod def from_primitive_dict(cls, primitive_dict): """Initialize mirror from a primitive dict. Args: data: A dictionary in the format below. .. code-block:: python { "modifier": {}, # primitive modifier (Default: None) "type": "mirror", # primitive type "identifier": "", # primitive identifier "display_name": "", # primitive display name "values": [], # values "dependencies": [] } """ cls._dict_type_check(cls.__name__, primitive_dict) modifier, dependencies = cls.filter_dict_input(primitive_dict) if len(primitive_dict['values'][0]) == 1: # find name alt_id = primitive_dict['values'][0][0] if alt_id == 'void': alternate_material = VOID elif isinstance(alt_id, dict): try: # see if the mutil module has already been imported mutil except NameError: # import the module here to avoid a circular import import honeybee_radiance.mutil as mutil alternate_material = mutil.dict_to_modifier(alt_id) else: alt_mats = [d for d in dependencies if d.identifier == alt_id] assert len(alt_mats) == 1, \ 'Failed to find alternate material for mirror: "{}" in ' \ 'dependencies.'.format(alt_id) # remove it from dependencies alternate_material = alt_mats[0] dependencies.remove(alternate_material) else: alternate_material = None values = primitive_dict['values'][2] cls_ = cls( identifier=primitive_dict["identifier"], r_reflectance=values[0], g_reflectance=values[1], b_reflectance=values[2], modifier=modifier, alternate_material=alternate_material, dependencies=dependencies ) if 'display_name' in primitive_dict \ and primitive_dict['display_name'] is not None: cls_.display_name = primitive_dict['display_name'] # this might look redundant but it is NOT. see glass for explanation. cls_.values = primitive_dict['values'] return cls_
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): """Initialize Mirror from a dictionary. Args: data: A dictionary in the format below. .. code-block:: python { "type": "Mirror", # Material type "identifier": "", # Material identifier "display_name": "", # Material display name "r_reflectance": float, # Reflectance for red "g_reflectance": float, # Reflectance for green "b_reflectance": float, # Reflectance for blue "modifier": {}, # Material modifier (Default: None) "alternate_material": {}, # optional alternate material "dependencies": [] } """ cls._dict_type_check(cls.__name__, data) modifier, dependencies = cls.filter_dict_input(data) if 'alternate_material' in data and data['alternate_material']: # alternate material if data['alternate_material'] == 'void': alternate_material = VOID else: try: # see if the mutil module has already been imported mutil except NameError: # import the module here to avoid a circular import import honeybee_radiance.mutil as mutil alternate_material = mutil.dict_to_modifier(data['alternate_material']) else: alternate_material = None new_obj = cls(identifier=data["identifier"], r_reflectance=data["r_reflectance"], g_reflectance=data["g_reflectance"], b_reflectance=data["b_reflectance"], modifier=modifier, alternate_material=alternate_material, dependencies=dependencies) if 'display_name' in data and data['display_name'] is not None: new_obj.display_name = data['display_name'] return new_obj
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Translate this object to a dictionary.""" base = { 'modifier': self.modifier.to_dict(), 'type': 'Mirror', 'identifier': self.identifier, 'r_reflectance': self.r_reflectance, 'g_reflectance': self.g_reflectance, 'b_reflectance': self.b_reflectance, # dependencies without alternate material 'dependencies': [dp.to_dict() for dp in self._dependencies] } if self.alternate_material: if isinstance(self.alternate_material, Void): base['alternate_material'] = {'type': 'void'} else: base['alternate_material'] = self.alternate_material.to_dict() else: base['alternate_material'] = None if self._display_name is not None: base['display_name'] = self.display_name return base
def __copy__(self): mod, depend = self._dup_mod_and_depend() alt_mat = None if not self.alternate_material \ else self.alternate_material.duplicate() new_obj = self.__class__( self.identifier, self.r_reflectance, self.g_reflectance, self.b_reflectance, mod, alt_mat, depend) new_obj._display_name = self._display_name return new_obj