Source code for honeybee_radiance.postprocess.leed

"""Functions for post-processing LEED daylight outputs."""
import json
import os
import shutil
import math

from honeybee.model import Model
from honeybee.units import conversion_factor_to_meters
from ..writer import _filter_by_pattern

def _process_input_folder(folder, filter_pattern):
    """Process and input annual daylight results folder."""
    info = os.path.join(folder, 'grids_info.json')
    with open(info) as data_f:
        data = json.load(data_f)
    grids = _filter_by_pattern(data, filter=filter_pattern)
    return grids

[docs]def ill_pass_fail_from_folder( results_folder, glare_control=True, grids_filter='*'): """Compute a list of LEED pass/fail values from a list of illuminance results. Args: results_folder: Folder containing illuminance result (.res) files for a single irradiance simulation. glare_control: A boolean for whether the model has "view-preserving automatic (with manual override) glare-control devices," which means that illuminance only needs to be above 300 lux and not between 300 and 3000 lux. grids_filter: A pattern to filter the grids. By default all the grids will be processed. Returns: A list of lists where each sub-list represents a sensor grid and contains zero/one values for whether each sensor fails/passes the LEED illuminance criteria. """ pass_fail = [] grids = _process_input_folder(results_folder, grids_filter) for grid in grids: res_file = os.path.join(results_folder, '%s.res' % grid['full_id']) with open(res_file) as inf: values = [float(line) for line in inf] grid_pf = [] for val in values: if val > 300: pf = 1 if glare_control or val < 3000 else 0 grid_pf.append(pf) else: grid_pf.append(0) pass_fail.append(grid_pf) return pass_fail
def _pass_fail_to_files( folder, sub_folder, pass_fail_comb, pass_fail_9, pass_fail_3, filter_pattern): """Write pass/fail matrices into files that can be loaded and visualized later. Args: folder: Project folder for a LEED daylight illuminance simulation. sub_folder: Relative path for a subfolder to write the pass/fail files for each sensor grid. pass_fail_comb: Matrix of ones/zeros for combined pass/failing. pass_fail_9: Matrix of ones/zeros for 9AM pass/failing. pass_fail_3: Matrix of ones/zeros for 3PM pass/failing. filter_pattern: Pattern used to filter the grids. """ # get the grids_info.json and determine which grids we are working with res_folder_9 = os.path.join(folder, '9AM', 'results') info_json = os.path.join(res_folder_9, 'grids_info.json') with open(info_json) as data_f: data = json.load(data_f) grids = _filter_by_pattern(data, filter=filter_pattern) # create the directories into which the files will be written output_folder = os.path.join(folder, sub_folder) folder_comb = os.path.join(output_folder, 'combined') folder_9 = os.path.join(output_folder, '9AM') folder_3 = os.path.join(output_folder, '3PM') for sub_dir in (folder_comb, folder_9, folder_3): if not os.path.isdir(sub_dir): os.makedirs(sub_dir) shutil.copyfile(info_json, os.path.join(sub_dir, 'grids_info.json')) # loop through each grid and write the results into files for g_d, res_c, res_9, res_3 in zip(grids, pass_fail_comb, pass_fail_9, pass_fail_3): g_file_name = '%s.res' % g_d['full_id'] file_c = os.path.join(folder_comb, g_file_name) file_9 = os.path.join(folder_9, g_file_name) file_3 = os.path.join(folder_3, g_file_name) with open(file_c, 'w') as fc, open(file_9, 'w') as f9, open(file_3, 'w') as f3: for rc, r9, r3 in zip(res_c, res_9, res_3): fc.write(str(rc) + '\n') f9.write(str(r9) + '\n') f3.write(str(r3) + '\n') def _sum_passing_area(pass_fails, grid_areas): """Compute the sum of passing area given aligned pass_fail and grid_area matrices. """ area_passing = 0 for pf, ga in zip(pass_fails, grid_areas): if pf == 1: area_passing += ga return area_passing def _sum_all_passing_area(pass_fails, grid_areas): """Compute the sum of passing area given aligned pass_fail and grid_area matrices. """ area_passing = 0 for p_fails, g_areas in zip(pass_fails, grid_areas): for pf, ga in zip(p_fails, g_areas): if pf == 1: area_passing += ga return area_passing def _space_by_space_summary( folder, sub_folder, grid_areas, units_conversion, pass_fail_comb, pass_fail_9, pass_fail_3, filter_pattern): """Write a CSV with space-by-space information for the percentage of sensors passing. Args: folder: Project folder for a LEED daylight illuminance simulation. sub_folder: Relative path for a subfolder to write the pass/fail files for each sensor grid. grid_areas: A matrix of numbers for the area occupied by each sensor. units_conversion: A number for the conversion factor from the grid_areas units to Meters. pass_fail_comb: Matrix of ones/zeros for combined pass/failing. pass_fail_9: Matrix of ones/zeros for 9AM pass/failing. pass_fail_3: Matrix of ones/zeros for 3PM pass/failing. filter_pattern: Pattern used to filter the grids. """ # get the grids_info.json and determine which grids we are working with res_folder_9 = os.path.join(folder, '9AM', 'results') info_json = os.path.join(res_folder_9, 'grids_info.json') with open(info_json) as data_f: data = json.load(data_f) grids = _filter_by_pattern(data, filter=filter_pattern) # define the header row of the CSV csv_data = [['Space Name', 'Sensor Count']] if len(grid_areas) == len(pass_fail_9): # compute passing floor area for each grid csv_data[0].extend(['Area (m2)', 'Area (ft2)', 'Spacing (m)']) csv_data[0].extend(['% Passing 9AM', '% Passing 3PM', '% Passing Combined']) # loop through each grid and get the rows of the CSV if len(grid_areas) == len(pass_fail_9): all_data = zip(grids, grid_areas, pass_fail_comb, pass_fail_9, pass_fail_3) for gr, gr_a, res_c, res_9, res_3 in all_data: csv_row = [gr['full_id'], gr['count']] total_a = sum(gr_a) csv_row.append(round(total_a * units_conversion, 3)) csv_row.append(round(csv_row[2] / 0.305, 3)) csv_row.append(round(math.sqrt(csv_row[2] / csv_row[1]), 3)) csv_row.append(round(100 * (_sum_passing_area(res_9, gr_a) / total_a), 2)) csv_row.append(round(100 * (_sum_passing_area(res_3, gr_a) / total_a), 2)) csv_row.append(round(100 * (_sum_passing_area(res_c, gr_a) / total_a), 2)) csv_data.append(csv_row) else: all_data = zip(grids, pass_fail_comb, pass_fail_9, pass_fail_3) for gr, res_c, res_9, res_3 in all_data: csv_row = [gr['full_id'], gr['count']] total_count = csv_row[1] csv_row.append(round(100 * (sum(res_9) / total_count), 2)) csv_row.append(round(100 * (sum(res_3) / total_count), 2)) csv_row.append(round(100 * (sum(res_c) / total_count), 2)) csv_data.append(csv_row) # write the results into a CSV output_file = os.path.join(folder, sub_folder, 'space_summary.csv') with open(output_file, 'w') as of: for row in csv_data: of.write(','.join((str(v) for v in row)) + '\n')
[docs]def leed_illuminance_to_folder( folder, glare_control=True, grids_filter='*', sub_folder=None): """Estimate LEED daylight credits from two point-in-time illuminance folders. Args: folder: Project folder for a LEED illuminance simulation. It should contain a HBJSON model and two sub-folders of complete point-in-time illuminance simulations labeled "9AM" and "3PM". These two sub-folders should each have results folders that include a grids_info.json and .res files with illuminance values for each sensor. If Meshes are found for the sensor grids in the HBJSON file, they will be used to compute percentages of occupied floor area that pass vs. fail. Otherwise, all sensors will be assumed to represent an equal amount of floor area. glare_control: A boolean for whether the model has "view-preserving automatic (with manual override) glare-control devices," which means that illuminance only needs to be above 300 lux and not between 300 and 3000 lux. grids_filter: A pattern to filter the grids. By default all the grids will be processed. sub_folder: Relative path for a subfolder to write the pass/fail files for each sensor grid and a space-by-space summary CSV. If None, the files will not be written and only the summary dictionary will be calculated. Returns: A dictionary with a summary of LEED credits in the format below. All percentages are between 0 and 100 and the floor areas are in the units system of the HBJSON model. If no sensor grid meshes were found in the HBJSON model and no areas could be associated with each mesh face, the output will not contain floor_area keys and each sensor will be assumed to occupy a similar area. .. code-block:: python { "credits": 2, "percentage_passing": 76.2, "percentage_passing_9AM": 78.5, "percentage_passing_3PM": 82.4, "sensor_count_passing": 762, "sensor_count_passing_9AM": 785, "sensor_count_passing_3PM": 824, "total_sensor_count": 1000, "floor_area_passing": 762.0, "floor_area_passing_9AM": 785.0, "floor_area_passing_3PM": 824.0, "total_floor_area": 1000.0 } """ # first load the results into pass/fail matrices of ones/zeros res_folder_9 = os.path.join(folder, '9AM', 'results') res_folder_3 = os.path.join(folder, '3PM', 'results') pass_fail_9 = ill_pass_fail_from_folder(res_folder_9, glare_control, grids_filter) pass_fail_3 = ill_pass_fail_from_folder(res_folder_3, glare_control, grids_filter) # determine which sensors pass for both hours pass_fail_comb = [] for p_fails9, p_fails3 in zip(pass_fail_9, pass_fail_3): p_fails_comb = [] for pf9, pf3 in zip(p_fails9, p_fails3): if pf9 == 1 and pf3 == 1: p_fails_comb.append(1) else: p_fails_comb.append(0) pass_fail_comb.append(p_fails_comb) # next, check to see if there is a HBJSON with sensor grid meshes for areas grid_areas, units_conversion = [], 1 for base_file in os.listdir(folder): if base_file.endswith('.hbjson') or base_file.endswith('.hbpkl'): hb_model = Model.from_file(os.path.join(folder, base_file)) units_conversion = conversion_factor_to_meters(hb_model.units) filt_grids = _filter_by_pattern(, filter=grids_filter) for s_grid in filt_grids: if s_grid.mesh is not None: grid_areas.append(s_grid.mesh.face_areas) # write the pass/fail criteria into the sub-directory if specified if sub_folder: _pass_fail_to_files( folder, sub_folder, pass_fail_comb, pass_fail_9, pass_fail_3, grids_filter) _space_by_space_summary( folder, sub_folder, grid_areas, units_conversion, pass_fail_comb, pass_fail_9, pass_fail_3, grids_filter) # setup the summary dictionary with the results summary_dict = { 'sensor_count_passing': sum(sum(pf) for pf in pass_fail_comb), 'sensor_count_passing_9AM': sum(sum(pf9) for pf9 in pass_fail_9), 'sensor_count_passing_3PM': sum(sum(pf3) for pf3 in pass_fail_3), 'total_sensor_count': sum(len(pf9) for pf9 in pass_fail_9) } # determine the percentage passing from either mesh areas or sensor counts if len(grid_areas) == len(pass_fail_9): # compute passing floor area for each grid area_pass_comb = _sum_all_passing_area(pass_fail_comb, grid_areas) area_pass_9 = _sum_all_passing_area(pass_fail_9, grid_areas) area_pass_3 = _sum_all_passing_area(pass_fail_3, grid_areas) area_total = sum(sum(sar) for sar in grid_areas) summary_dict['floor_area_passing'] = area_pass_comb summary_dict['floor_area_passing_9AM'] = area_pass_9 summary_dict['floor_area_passing_3PM'] = area_pass_3 summary_dict['total_floor_area'] = area_total pct_pass = (area_pass_comb / area_total) * 100 pct_pass_9 = (area_pass_9 / area_total) * 100 pct_pass_3 = (area_pass_3 / area_total) * 100 else: total_count = summary_dict['total_sensor_count'] pct_pass = (summary_dict['sensor_count_passing'] / total_count) * 100 pct_pass_9 = (summary_dict['sensor_count_passing_9AM'] / total_count) * 100 pct_pass_3 = (summary_dict['sensor_count_passing_3PM'] / total_count) * 100 # lastly, estimate the number of LEED credits from the percentage passing summary_dict['percentage_passing'] = pct_pass summary_dict['percentage_passing_9AM'] = pct_pass_9 summary_dict['percentage_passing_3PM'] = pct_pass_3 if pct_pass >= 90: summary_dict['credits'] = 3 elif pct_pass >= 75: summary_dict['credits'] = 2 elif pct_pass >= 55: summary_dict['credits'] = 1 else: summary_dict['credits'] = 0 return summary_dict